Nobody Understands Political Corruption Like Donald Trump Does
Brendan O'Connor · 03/14/16 09:45PM
On Monday, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi endorsed Donald Trump for president. In 2013, Bondi’s office declined to investigate Trump University after Trump donated $25,000 to her re-election effort. “I know the system far better than anybody else and I know the system is broken,” Trump said last week.
Donald Trump Continues to Humiliate Chris Christie at Every Turn
Brendan O'Connor · 03/14/16 07:36PMAsk Your Doctor For More Information About John Kasich
Ashley Feinberg · 03/14/16 01:23PMChina on Donald Trump: Have Fun With Your “Democracy,” Idiots
Ashley Feinberg · 03/14/16 12:49PMMitt Romney Devotes Himself to Helping Kasich Lose the Nomination
Andy Cush · 03/14/16 09:45AM
Well-heeled New Englander Mitt Romney will be hitting the campaign trail in Ohio in support of John Kasich today, NBC News reports. Romney has made it clear that he is not endorsing his fellow governor, and that the stops are part of his larger effort to make sure that anyone but Donald Trump is the nominee. It’s unclear how much he’s helping on that front.
The Labor Movement Fucked Up By Supporting Hillary Clinton
Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/16 08:33AMTrump: "I Hope That My Tone Is Not That Of Causing Violence"
Timothy Burke · 03/11/16 11:19PMAfter tonight’s chaos at a cancelled rally in Chicago, Donald Trump told CNN’s Don Lemon his political events are “a lovefest” that feature “great love” and that he hopes his tone is “not that of causing violence [...] I don’t do that.” Here are some examples of the GOP presidential favorite endorsing that kind of love between people who disagree: the soft caress of a punch to the face, for example, or reverently tucking another into a paramedic’s stretcher.
Trump Rally Canceled Before Descending Into Chaos
Ashley Feinberg · 03/11/16 08:22PMDonald Trump’s rally in Chicago was canceled amid safety concerns this evening after an entire section of attendees turned out to be protestors, sending the arena and surrounding area into chaos.
A Good Conspiracy Theory About the Republican Primary
Jordan Sargent · 03/11/16 01:35PMDonald Trump Is Straight Up Lying About the Sucker Punch at His Rally
Jordan Sargent · 03/11/16 11:05AM
At a Donald Trump rally in North Carolina on Wednesday, an old white dude blindsided a black protester with a punch simply for being a non-white person publicly showing his opposition to Donald Trump. This is not in dispute: On Inside Edition (lol), the sucker-puncher, John McGraw, said, “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. We don’t know who he is. He might be with a terrorist organization.”
The "Sleeping Giant" That Will Change American Politics (If It Ever Wakes Up)
Tamara Draut · 03/11/16 10:30AMElderly Man Who Sucker-Punched a Protestor at a Trump Rally Charged With Assault
Jordan Sargent · 03/10/16 04:10PMTrump Supporter Sucker-Punches Protestor at North Carolina Rally
Ashley Feinberg · 03/10/16 10:16AMHere Is the First Explicit Question on Climate Change of the Primary Season
Brendan O'Connor · 03/09/16 11:05PMWhat's-Her-Face Endorses Ted Cruz
Ashley Feinberg · 03/09/16 11:05AMTrump Is the Reagan Revolution As Farce
Alex Pareene · 03/09/16 10:45AMMarco Rubio Should Focus His Campaign on One Thing: Winning Dancing With the Stars
Jordan Sargent · 03/09/16 09:40AM
With Marco Rubio’s campaign for the presidency likely drawing its last breaths, the candidate’s focus should be squarely on a single, attainable victory—one that is still well within reach. Not a surprise upset of Donald Trump in Rubio’s home state of Florida, but instead a far more glorious triumph—on the mega-popular reality show Dancing With the Stars.