Jeb Bush Is Fine With the Media Covering His Drug-Addicted Daughter When It Helps His Campaign
Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/06/16 05:15PMThe Ben Carson Campaign Is Alive and Well
Sam Biddle · 01/06/16 10:01AMCarly Fiorina Is Trying to Pretend She Didn't Humiliate Herself on Twitter
Jordan Sargent · 01/04/16 04:32PM
The Rose Bowl, a college football game traditionally played on New Year’s Day, is a celebration of American regionalism. Historically, it pitted the champion of the Midwest’s Big Ten Conference against the champion of the Pacific Coast Conference (or its successors). The arrangement has been modified and undermined by conference realignment and college championship schemes, but most years, the premise still holds: two teams representing separate places with separate histories and cultures, West Coast versus heartland.
Donald Trump’s First TV Ad: Brown People Are Scary as Shit
Sam Biddle · 01/04/16 11:42AM“Why Do You Hate White People?”: My Year in Donald Trump Supporter Fan Mail
Ashley Feinberg · 01/04/16 09:45AM
Donald Trump fans are a special breed of American voter. To hear them tell it, they’re a disenfranchised silent majority who simply want to see America restored to its past glory. To hear everyone else tell it, they’re a violent mob of tempestuous racists. Either way, they really love sending me email.
Donald Trump Featured in New Al Qaeda Affiliate Recruitment Video
Ashley Feinberg · 01/01/16 11:12PM
While Hillary Clinton’s claim that Trump was “ISIS’s best recruiter” may not have been totally verifiable a few weeks ago, she didn’t have to wait long for that to change. A newly released video from Al Shabab—Somalia’s resident Al Qaeda affiliate—uses footage of Trump spouting deeply Islamophobic rhetoric as a direct recruitment tool for its terrorist organization.
Ben Carson's New Year's Rockin' Campaign Shake-up
Alex Pareene · 12/31/15 02:21PMDonald Trump Decries War on Hairspray
Ashley Feinberg · 12/30/15 06:35PMThe Republican Party Is a Trick
Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/15 03:27PMGeorge Pataki Packs It In, Suspends Campaign
Brendan O'Connor · 12/29/15 10:01PMReport: George Pataki Currently Miming Being on Phone With Someone
Alex Pareene · 12/29/15 05:21PMOnly One Guy Showed Up to O'Malley's Latest Rally (And Still Won't Vote for Him)
Sam Biddle · 12/29/15 01:05PMHaters and Losers: A Gallery of 2015's Most Wild-Eyed Donald Trump Fanatics
Jordan Sargent · 12/29/15 12:50PMTrump Flip-Flops on Wages After Sanders Makes a Pass at His Supporters
Brendan O'Connor · 12/28/15 07:45PMTed Cruz Supporters: Crazy in Their Own Words
Jordan Sargent · 12/28/15 06:05PM
You’ve seen Donald Trump supporters speak, in so many ways. To pick a single example at random, when one called for a public lynching of a black protestor. Or remember this woman who would throw a spear into your chest if Donald Trump ordered it? But there is a segment of America who has not yet been given a national platform to advertise their pathetic delusion: Ted Cruz supporters.
Bernie Sanders Hopeful He Can Rehabilitate Trump Supporters
Brendan O'Connor · 12/27/15 09:15PMRequiem For a !
Jordan Sargent · 12/24/15 01:15PMAshley Feinberg · 12/23/15 06:16PM
Has Jeb Bush Worn the Same Sweater Four Days in a Row? [Updated]
Ashley Feinberg · 12/23/15 04:00PM
Jeb Bush has been making the rounds in New Hampshire this week, which is perfectly normal behavior for a man running for president. But the many tweets coming from Jeb’s camp this week have included more than just photos of Jeb’s stilted handshakes—they’ve also raised questions. Specifically: Why has Jeb Bush been wearing the exact same sweater for the past four days?