
Anonymous' Latest Release Includes Private Info About Sexual Assault Victims and Guantanamo Lawyers

John Cook · 02/03/12 04:50PM

Earlier today, Anonymous announced what sounded like an awesome caper: The group had compromised the email of a law firm that represented Staff Sergeant Frank Wuterich, the Marine squad leader who got a slap on the wrist for his role in the Haditha massacre. Trouble is, the hack had a lot of collateral victims, including people that Anonymous might normally be aligned with. Like a lawyer for Guantanamo detainees.

Why You Just Got New York Times Spam

Ryan Tate · 12/28/11 03:55PM

The New York Times says it didn't send a mass email erroneously telling loads of people their subscriptions were expired. But all indications are that the message originated from the paper or its approved vendor, likely as a mistake.

Google's CEO Hates Gmail

Ryan Tate · 11/10/11 03:15PM

Larry Page is a busy man. The Google CEO wants his company moving quickly and decisively. That, in turn, means eliminating the plodding exchanges fostered by Who invented that thing, anyway?

A Timeline of Barack Obama's Reelection Campaign Begging for Cash

Jim Newell · 09/30/11 02:14PM

The third quarter fundraising deadline for presidential candidates is today, today's the day! If you are subscribed to President Obama's campaign email or text message alert lists, you're well aware of this, because you are constantly getting emails and text messages with cutesy variations of, "So how bout those dumb Republicans, eh? Want to have dinner? Give us money right now." Here's the official recorded history of this aggressive blitz, going back a couple of weeks.

The Quentin Tarantino Toe-Sucking Sex Email That Will Haunt Your Dreams

Maureen O'Connor · 06/28/11 06:15PM

A young woman who works in show business emailed 15 friends last week with a tale about meeting director Quentin Tarantino at a party. She made out with him, took sexy pictures in a photo booth, and watched him whip out his "short," "fat," "nub-like" penis. She then had foot fetish quasi-sex with him, she claims.

Read Sarah Palin's Emails in Your Own Inbox

Remy Stern · 06/15/11 11:21AM

Have any interest in reading over 14,000 emails from Sarah Palin's personal account? What, don't you want to find out what wine spritzer she liked to pair with moose nuggets? This fully searchable "inbox" makes Palin's inbox yours. [Gizmodo]

Princeton Alumni Send Tackiest Memorial Service Invitation Ever

Maureen O'Connor · 05/23/11 04:39PM

This weekend, Princeton's class of 2006 celebrates its five-year reunion with a standard-issue bacchanal. This year's theme: "'06 Feet Under." Cute, right? Except when they announce the '06 reunion memorial service, which now looks like it is being introduced with a wacky pun.

Osama Bin Laden Sent Email Like a Weirdo

Adrian Chen · 05/12/11 05:41PM

Osama bin Laden was apparently a "prolific email writer." But how did he forward all of Islamist chain letters without getting tracked down by the U.S.? By sending his couriers to cybercafes with thumb drives.

An Annotated Guide to Dov Charney's Desktop and 'Good Hookers'

Maureen O'Connor · 05/10/11 04:08PM

During a web conference with American Apparel store managers today (topic: "store summer-ization and shitty sales in the Midwest") Dov Charney opened the browser on his personal computer. One participant took a screengrab and sent it to us. Above, an annotated guide to Dov Charney's desktop, featuring the following:

Self-Help Guru Politely Informs People He's Deleting Their Emails Without Reading Them

Adrian Chen · 03/26/11 03:52PM

Tim Ferriss, the self-help guru behind the '4-hour Workweek', is a god to bros who dream of fashioning themselves into blisteringly efficient Web 2.0 business robots just like him. Ferriss' obsession with self-improvement means that the way he deals with people who aren't himself is to basically be as big of an asshole as possible in the service of his own quest for perfection. So it's no surprise that his solution to an overflowing inbox is as considerate as a 120-pound kettleball to the nuts.

Associated Press Drops Hyphen from "Email," finally

Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 02:54PM

Thank ever-loving Christ: The official AP stylebook has dropped the hyphen from "email." The AP will no longer write like your computer science teacher in 1997. Now maybe they can stop capitalizing Internet and the Web.

What Your Email Address Says About You

Brian Moylan · 03/11/11 04:56PM

While what comes before the @-symbol may include the letters and characters you picked out, what comes after it still says a whole lot about you. A new study breaks down the types of people that use different types of free email services.