
Protestors Shut Down New York Traffic For Second Night in a Row

Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/04/14 08:15PM

Thousands of protestors shut down swathes of downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn in the second night of protests sparked by a grand jury's decision not to indict a police officer who killed Eric Garner in a chokehold this summer.

Why Should Anyone "Respect" the Law?

Max Read · 12/04/14 11:00AM

In the wake of the announcement that Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for shooting and killing Mike Brown, protestors across the country took to the streets in mass acts of civil disobedience, and in some cases, property damage.

Can You Breathe? Reflections on Non-Indictments, Activism and Black Life

R. L'Heureux Lewis-McCoy · 12/04/14 09:05AM

There isn't enough ink to express our pain. Day after day, month after month, year after year, the pain of being black in America, and across the globe, is apparent. Yesterday I read the headlines and tweets that told me NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo, the cop that killed Eric Garner, would not be indicted. Daniel Pantaleo—say his name until it cannot be forgotten, until he's held responsible. A week and three days before that I heard news out of Ferguson, Missouri that Darren Wilson would not be indicted. That same day, hours before, I watched my beautiful daughter be born into this world. Being black is like that: valley, peak, valley.

Lawsuit: Cops in Eric Garner Precinct Beat Man Who Died Last Year

Andy Cush · 07/30/14 01:07PM

Staten Island police arrive at the scene of an alleged crime, where they find a middle-aged black man. He resists arrest, maybe, so they rough him up a bit. After a while, he complains that he's having difficulty breathing, but medical attention arrives too late, and he dies.