
How Mark Zuckerberg Froze Out His Sister

Ryan Tate · 10/20/11 01:58PM

Last month, we started hearing scuttlebutt that Mark Zuckerberg was on the outs with sisters Randi and Arielle. So we approached today's New York Times profile of Randi Zuckerberg with a jaded eye. But we didn't have to read too closely between the lines to find the tension between Facebook's CEO and his older sibling.

Is Facebook Making Our Brains Bigger?

Adrian Chen · 10/19/11 11:47AM

Scientists are obsessed with studying the impact of Facebook on our brains. Usually the news is bad. But a new study says having more Facebook friends might be make your brain bigger.

4Chan's Founder Is Right About Online Identity

Adrian Chen · 10/18/11 04:55PM

23-year-old 4chan founder Christopher Poole (aka "moot") has fashioned himself as a sort of anti-Mark Zuckerberg, favoring anonymity and a certain messiness to Facebook's domain of spotless white walls and sterile profile pics. He's made a stir again by directly attacking Facebook's approach to identity.

Keeping Track of All the Facebook Anti-Tracking Lawsuits

Lauri Apple · 10/17/11 09:07AM

Facebook's tracking scandal has mushroomed into a niche industry of sorts for privacy lawyers. The company now faces at least nine suits filed by people who oppose the company's use of cookie technology that tracks users' online activity even after they've logged out of their accounts. Expect a few more suits to follow.

Shameless Meme-Baiting Music Video Becomes a Meme

Adrian Chen · 10/14/11 01:38PM

It used to be impossible to predict what videos would go viral. But as "Facebook Official" proves, all you need now is a huge budget and a bunch of cliches about Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker Got Into a Drunken Screaming Match

Adrian Chen · 10/14/11 10:50AM

Earlier this month we told you how Napster founder Sean Parker tipped a West Hollywood waitress $5,000 during a big night out with friends. Turns out Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was one of those friends, and the night ended with him and Parker in a drunken "screaming match."

Comment of the Day: The Obligation to Facebook

Richard Lawson · 10/12/11 06:20PM

Today we talked about internet oversharing. It is annoying! And yet it is everywhere these days. This sparked a conversation about everything from blogs to Facebook (that whole wide gap!). Can't we just scrap it all? Apparently not, says a commenter.

The Government Wants To Know What You're Tweeting About Macroeconomics

Ryan Tate · 10/12/11 03:28PM

The Federal Reserve is working toward monitoring Facebook and Twitter to find out what people online are saying about the government bank's discount rate, open market operations and overall monetary policy. Do we tell them now that no one on Facebook or Twitter has ever given a shit about any of those things, or leave it for a surprise?

Man Assaults Ex-Wife Because She Didn't Click 'Like' on His Status Update

Seth Abramovitch · 10/07/11 02:53AM

Facebook user Benito Apolinar, who hails from the great state of Texas, had posted a loving status update to his Facebook page on the anniversary of his mother's death. Then he waited for the "likes" to roll in. You know how that is: One finds a strange sense of fulfillment in near-meaningless clicks of approval from friends and acquaintances and friends of acquaintances.

Will Mark Zuckerberg Win the Nobel Peace Prize?

Adrian Chen · 10/06/11 05:12PM

The Nobel Peace Prize will be awarded tomorrow, and people are taking seriously the possibility that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg might win it. These people seem to be confusing the concepts of "world peace" and "procrastinating at work."

Facebook Mysteriously Ditched by ACLU Veteran

Ryan Tate · 10/04/11 01:13PM

There's an interesting little riddle under discussion in Washington, DC right now: Why did a former senior ACLU lawyer decide he didn't like working for Facebook's lobbying operation? I mean, isn't Facebook known for safeguarding individual liberty and privacy at any cost?

Facebook's Tracking Scandal Is Mushrooming

Ryan Tate · 10/03/11 03:13PM

The month is off to a bad start for Facebook. The social network is fighting a new class action suit over its non-logout logout. And now it's been busted for bringing back a cookie that tracks people who don't even use Facebook.

Hating Facebook Unites Democrats and Republicans

Ryan Tate · 09/29/11 07:52PM

It turns out you can unite liberal and conservative members of Congress. Just bring up Facebook! The co-chairs of the Congressional Privacy Caucus — a Republican from Texas and a Dem from Massachusetts — have teamed up to write a letter pushing the FTC to investigate the social network.

Your Facebook Profile Will Now Be a TV Show

Brian Moylan · 09/29/11 02:39PM

Warner Bros is developing a show just to be watched on Facebook. It's called Aim High and it's about a kid who is secretly a spy. That's cool, right? Well, they're also going to pilfer your Facebook account to make you like the show even more. Yes, you'll be on the show!