
Facebook Employees Want Their Money Now

Ryan Tate · 06/16/11 08:45PM

Life is different near the center of the tech bubble. Facebook employees, due to earn staggering fortunes, are nevertheless sad. They'll have to wait six months for the money, you see.

Pandora Makes an IPO Fortune

Ryan Tate · 06/15/11 01:08PM

It's probably wildly overvalued, so don't buy the stock. But if you're a happy Pandora customer, you can cheer the news that the magical online radio service's IPO went well today. Three billion dollars well.

The Facebook Pump and Dump

Ryan Tate · 06/13/11 06:57PM

Someone is aggressively hyping Facebook to the financial community. Investors are being told the social network's value will double in 12 months — and quadruple over 18 months — to $100 billion. It sounds like someone has shares to unload.

Why Debt Default for a 'Few Days' Wouldn't Be Okay

Jim Newell · 06/10/11 02:42PM

At least some players in the world of High Finance are starting to ease up about the consequences of the United States defaulting on its debt. Until recently, the consensus had been that any default caused by Congress' failure to raise the debt ceiling would risk a calamitous panic, so the hike shouldn't be open to the politics of brinksmanship. But now that analysts listening into Washington are expecting a ceiling hike to coincide with long-term debt reduction measures, then, well, maybe a brief "technical default" of a "few days" would be worth it if Congress needs that time to strike a deal. Sounds easy! Let's do it. But maybe not? Because this all rests on a pretty thin reading of our irreparably broken political system.

There's Still Time to Sell All Your Gold

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/11 10:34AM

Perhaps you think of yourself as a "rational investor," and you're not normally "the type" to make major investment decisions based on the shrill urgings of a pop culture internet blog. Until now. Sell your gold! It's not too late!

Pandora Gets More Cash For the Bonfire

Ryan Tate · 05/26/11 05:47PM

Pandora just took a $30 million loan ahead of its IPO. That's on top of $86 million it took in venture capital and accrued unpaid dividends. Luckily for Pandora's users, the indispensable internet radio service can't be killed, debts notwithstanding.

How to Respond When a Congressman Calls You a Liar

Max Read · 05/24/11 08:22PM

Elizabeth Warren, the consumer advocate and Harvard professor who's heading up the brand-new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in its infancy, stopped by the House of Representatives today for a hearing called — seriously — "Who's Watching the Watchmen?" It got kind of intense!

Early Facebook Investors Want Out

Ryan Tate · 04/27/11 06:33PM

The Facebook investment bubble is apparently too inflated for some investors. Owners of close to $1 billion in Facebook stock are slashing their asking price as they push toward the exits, sources tell Reuters.

Ashton and Demi Are the Horsemen of the Tech Apocalypse

Ryan Tate · 04/19/11 12:12PM

How do we know Silicon Valley is inflating an unsustainable tech investment bubble? Because Hollywood dope Ashton Kutcher and his technologically enhanced mate Demi Moore have somehow become mascots for tech investment. Sell, by God. Sell!

Google's New CEO Gave Wall Street the Finger

Ryan Tate · 04/18/11 10:14AM

Wall Street analysts hoped Larry Page would lay out his vision for Google on his first earnings call as CEO. Instead Page spoke briefly, took no questions and left. Now it's downgrade time.

Jamie Dimon Is Whining Again

Jim Newell · 03/31/11 01:47PM

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, the princess of Wall Street, is venting again about the ignorant public and regulators whose "misconceptions" are blocking them from seeing the glory and perfection that comes with a fully unregulated financial services sector.

Madoff Calls Banks 'Complicit' in Ponzi Scheme

Max Read · 02/16/11 02:46AM

The New York Times interviewed a "noticeably" thinner Bernie Madoff in prison and, wouldn't you know it, he said that "unidentified banks and hedge funds were somehow 'complicit' in his elaborate fraud," and also this:

Wikileaks To Shame Cheating 'Pillars of Society'

Ryan Tate · 01/17/11 01:32PM

A former Swiss banker provided the names of more than 2,000 prominent tax cheats to Wikileaks, which has promised to quickly release details of the evasion — unlike governments and the media, which apparently buried the scandal.

Here's the Best Moment from Oprah and Suze Orman's Octomom Intervention

Matt Cherette · 01/14/11 05:07PM

On today's Oprah Winfrey Show, she and financial powerhouse Suze Orman performed a financial—and psychological—intervention on "Octomom" Nadya Suleman. The best part of the show, however, involved awkward lesbian jokes related to Suleman's addiction to approval from women.

Feds Investigate Facebook's Money

Ryan Tate · 01/05/11 08:03PM

The Securities and Exchange Commission is reportedly reviewing whether a private Facebook investment vehicle runs afoul of financial disclosure laws. Which, given that the vehicle was designed by the infamous economic pillagers at Goldman Sachs, borders on a self-answering question.