
Apple Is Insulted You Think Steve Jobs Could Ever Die

Ryan Tate · 06/06/11 12:24PM

Apple has turned a routine refresh of Steve Jobs' obituary into an occasion for a full blown media war, asking Jobs' associates to stonewall the Associated Press and allowing it to be known that they are "furious" about commonplace journalism.

Facebook Admits To Covert Google Bashing

Ryan Tate · 05/12/11 12:22PM

Facebook's craftiness has backfired—again. The company just admitted it was behind a shadowy PR effort to plant negative stories about how Google is destroying your privacy.

Paul Krugman Is America's Most Correct Pundit

Hamilton Nolan · 05/02/11 01:34PM

In your ardent Monday media column: accountability comes to punditry, PR replaces journalism, the NYT's front page quick change artistry, longer newscasts tonight, and everybody loves People.com.

Apple Redefines 'Location' to Justify Stalking

Ryan Tate · 04/27/11 01:58PM

To refute intense criticism that iPhones track their owners' every move, Apple today announced that "the iPhone is not logging your location," just what Wi-Fi stations you're near. Too bad Apple already admitted there's no difference.

The Plan to Blame Unions For Everything

Hamilton Nolan · 01/04/11 11:40AM

Why is our economy in the predicament that it's in today? High unemployment, sluggish growth...who's to blame? The unions, of course. The unions are the enemies of the working man. The working class must destroy unions for their own good.

Bar Spy: Apple Trying To Hire a Blogger?

Ryan Tate · 10/05/10 05:35PM

Apple's PR staff would be well advised to reach out more to bloggers, or even blog on their own. So the mysterious overture Apple made to a TechCrunch editor at a Cupertino, California brewhouse could be a big positive step.