
Snacky or Flacky: The ultimate nominations

ndouglas · 05/01/06 09:19PM

Nominations for the Snacky or Flacky contest, where Valleywag readers will elect the sexiest PR person in tech, is extended through the night. Voting begins tomorrow. Here are more lovely flacks, nominated by you.

Snacky or Flacky: More PR hotties

ndouglas · 04/28/06 01:03PM

They're everywhere, they're everywhere! The pretty PR stars of the Valley keep rolling in as readers built the roster for Snacky or Flacky. E-mail Valleywag with a pic and profile of your favorite flack. Next week, we put them through a tourney to see who's the snackiest flack of them all.

PR got to me

ndouglas · 04/28/06 10:17AM

All right, I've been had by a flack. (Household hint: No cleanser can wash away the shame of using a PR piece.) A big-shot blogebrity (approval to name him pending), who probably got the eBay conference story pitch too, IMed last night:

PR Valleywag hotties: Snacky or flacky?

ndouglas · 04/25/06 11:02AM

Is it just me, or is the news full of ugly people this week? It's time to bring out the pretty folks in public relations — those kids in PR may not be the brightest, but they bring the beauty.

Embargo breakers: Early morning for the Sunlight Foundation

ndouglas · 04/24/06 06:12PM

Okay, citizen journalists, I need you all to promise not to write about this press release, 'cause it's embargoed until Wednesday. If all the other news outlets wait for the flacks' go-ahead, Valleywag should too, right? The warning's written in big scary capitals:

Flacky Nominees: the best of the worst Valley PR

ndouglas · 04/24/06 03:42PM

That's it, Valleywag needs an awards show. We'll be taking nominees all year for the Flacky Award — Valleywag's prize for the most ridiculous, clueless, or aggressive people in PR. The first list of nominees comes from Valleywag's archives:

Shining stars of public relations: S&S PR

ndouglas · 04/11/06 08:21PM

Either one of S&S PR's competitors is a brutal gossip, or this is one...special...Valley PR firm. A reader tells another tale of S&S's antics.