
Chipotle Will Shut Down Every Single Store On February 8 for Food Safety Meeting

J.K. Trotter · 01/15/16 11:15AM

Do you still eat at Chipotle? Even after various outbreaks of E. Coli, salmonella, and norovirus swept across its North American locations? If your answer is yes, you must be a very dedicated Chipotle consumer. Which is why you may want to plan ahead for February 8, when every Chipotle restaurant will close for several hours so that its executives can address food safety concerns with staff. A spokesperson for the Denver-cased fast casual chain discussed the plan with Oregonian reporter Lynn Terry:

Fear the Vegetable

Melissa Cronin · 09/23/15 07:30PM

Vegetables are not the wholesome foods we once thought. Despite their purported fountain-of-youth properties, it’s become clear that, in the public consciousness at least, America’s real enemy #1 is green and leafy.

Hold the Sprouts When Ordering at Jimmy John's

Jeff Neumann · 12/19/10 04:34PM

Midwest sandwich franchise Jimmy John's—subs so fast you'll freak!—is under scrutiny for a salmonella outbreak from alfalfa sprouts that has sickened nearly 50 people in Illinois. Maybe they should slow down a bit and watch the produce? [FPJ]

Subway: Eat Fresh. Live Green. Get Diarrhea.

Jeff Neumann · 06/10/10 06:20AM

Subway is gross, but just in case you live in Illinois and want to "take a bite out of summer," perhaps you should think twice—60 people who have eaten there are reported to have Salmonella poisoning. [FPJ]

Emily Gould · 12/12/07 10:26AM

If you're really hungry and you only have about five minutes to shove something down your gullet and you're on the corner of Bergen and Smith Streets in Boerum Hill, you might be tempted to run in to Hanco's to grab one of the pre-wrapped packages of shrimp summer rolls that have been sitting, unrefrigerated, on the counter for God knows how long. RESIST.