
Scarlett Johansson Is Going to Eat You Alive

Richard Lawson · 11/03/10 02:53PM

And she's gonna like it. Also today: Yay for Fox News, they are great. Yay for Chelsea Handler, she is great. Watch a video of actresses complimenting each other, and hear the good news about two skinny dark-haired guys.

Jon Stewart: Democrats May Be Delusional, but Fox Is Downright Dangerous

Matt Cherette · 11/01/10 10:22PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with a focus on tomorrow's midterm elections. Stewart first mocked Democrats for the "delusional" thought that they'd retain a Congressional majority, and then blasted Fox News for trying to make President Obama seem racist. Video inside.

Does Fox News Have to Sue Some Republicans Now?

John Cook · 11/01/10 03:46PM

A group of right-wing conspiracists has produced a 25-minute phantasm of Obama-rage posing as a "documentary," and it's airing in battleground states. Will Fox News sue to keep them from using its clips, like it does against Democrats? Probably not!

Shocker: Fox Newsers Are Supporting Republicans This Election

Jim Newell · 10/27/10 11:44AM

The liberal Media Matters has done its inevitable grunt work of detailing Fox News personalities' involvement in this year's election, and finds that more than 30 of them have supported the GOP and its candidates. Who coulda guessed?

Jon Stewart Taunts NPR, Fox News Over Juan Williams Debacle

Matt Cherette · 10/25/10 10:18PM

Tonight, The Daily Show returned with the first of a week of shows from Washington, DC. Immediately, Jon Stewart took both NPR—for its boring spinelessness—and Fox News—for its revenge-hungry personalities—to task over the Juan Williams fiasco. Video inside.

You're Making a Bad Mistake, Juan Williams

Hamilton Nolan · 10/22/10 09:10AM

What a week Juan Williams has had! From mild-mannered NPR analyst and Fox News liberal stand-in to multimillionaire full-time Fox News guy, thanks to one dumb comment. Fair warning, Juan: you're about to throw away your entire career. Needlessly.