
Owen Thomas · 08/28/07 11:50AM

"When you see anything working, follow it as far and as quickly as you can. Uhm, we didn't even get to that stage because we were having trouble following other technology." — Friendster CEO Kent Lindstrom, admitting that the once-pioneering social network he runs has trouble keeping up with competitors. The original video in which he made these comments has been yanked offline. Anyone keep a copy? Send it in. [Epicenter]

Megan McCarthy · 06/25/07 05:01PM

Forgotten social network Friendster surprisingly not dead, increases May pageviews by 40%. [VentureBeat]

Megan McCarthy · 06/06/07 02:51PM

Friendster, thought dead, sighted in Manila. [Wall Street Journal]

More About Those "Financially Independent" West Village Roomies

Emily Gould · 01/16/07 09:40AM

Well, really just more about Jules Spehar. Yesterday we got a little huffy about the two "25 year olds" who considered themselves "financially independent" because they cover the $3,800 rent on their W. Vil duplex with only a little bit of help from Jules's mommy. Today, an irate tipster demands of us, "How did you miss Jules's Friendster page?" We were thinking about civil rights, okay? Anyway, rest assured that no such omissions will happen in future; we've learned our lesson. We've also learned that Jules Spehar's "favorite books" include "Einstein's Dreams, Haruki Murakami's books, Man's Search for Meaning, Idiot's Guide's [sic], Fodors travel guides, The Week, NYTimes Style section, WWD."

Blogs Are Gay

Emily Gould · 01/03/07 05:15PM

Also, MySpace is gay. Friendster? SO gay. We've said it for years, and now we have science on our side:

Remainders: At Least She Keeps Her Butterfly Backtoo Covered

Jessica · 07/27/06 06:25PM

• Campbell Brown, you naughty girl! The Today show interim co-host flashes her inexplicable ankle tat — no idea what that's supposed to be, but she really should've gone for a fairy or a dolphin. [Animal]
• "Management thought it was very important that Dan Abrams hire someone he wouldn't try to fuck." [FishbowlNY]
• Remember Friendster? Vaguely, even? They've been awarded a patent for their search methods and may be awarded another in the near future. MySpace pretends to shake in its enormous boots. [WSJ]
• Scarlett Johansson is becoming increasingly suspect of touching human petri dish Wilmer Valderrama. [HWoW]
• Who doesn't want to see John Stossel get slapped? [iFilm]
• Fall asleep to the sounds of Brooklyn hipsters and enjoy your inevitable nightmares on Bedford street. [BrooklynRadio]
• Palm Beach Police Chief thinks naughty financier Jeffrey Epstein is getting off easy (ba dum dum). [The Blotter]

Friendster patents social networking

Nick Douglas · 07/07/06 05:36PM

Friendster might actually find a buyer now that it's won a patent for social networks. The Red Herring reports that the patent is broad enough to cover activity on several other sites. Friendster's president won't say how aggressively his company will bully its competitors into buying licenses.

Because of MySpace, only boring people get jobs

Nick Douglas · 06/12/06 03:58PM

Corporate recruiters work just like Gawker Media (and just like you before a blind date), the New York Times reveals — by sniffing around the MySpace and Facebook profiles of prospective hires. In a sloppily researched article (no, MySpace is not only two years old), the Times checks out how this phenomenon screws perfectly cool people over. Tien Nguyen (pictured) lost interview chances because he was clever. Other kids are getting turned down for having, well, great enthusiasm for their line of work:

Scoop: Kleiner Perkins boots Russ Siegelman

ndouglas · 04/25/06 12:55PM

Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers kicked out partner Russ Siegelman, according to a trusted source. The former Microsoft employee, who once reported directly to Bill Gates, won't be part of KPCB's next fund. Was the bigshot VC firm sick of seeing its property Friendster languish under Siegelman's partnership? Or was he just bumped out to make room for another hotshot?

What's my social site? A handy guide to segregation

ndouglas · 04/10/06 06:58PM

The New York Times (they are so loveable today!) features Orkut, Google's you're-nobody-til-somebody-loves-you social network invaded by Brazilians in 2004. Over 2 of every 3 Orkut users are registered as Brazilians, and if you trust some massaged numbers, nearly every regular Internet user in Brazil has a profile.

Get rich: goof off!

ndouglas · 04/05/06 12:45PM

Wired News runs a trend story (journalism rule #42: three weak stories make a trend story) on antisocial networking. The tipping point: Full-blown parody site Snubster. It's the Hot New Joke (and by "new" I mean "dated as 'I'm Rick James, bitch'") that's turning into a healthy little community. It's not the first joke-cum-business.