
Suze Orman's "It Gets Better" Video: "Look at Me Now"

Matt Cherette · 11/02/10 01:56PM

"I am proud that I am a lesbian," says Suze Orman in this new video for the "It Gets Better" campaign. Orman's video is part personal story, part inspiration, and all sorts of fabulous. Bullies, you are denied! Watch inside.

Jon Stewart Puts Another Nail in Carl Paladino's Coffin

Matt Cherette · 10/11/10 10:24PM

Tonight, Jon Stewart opened with a segment about the midterm elections. The focus of a portion of that segment was homophobic New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, and Stewart didn't hold back when mocking Paladino's ridiculous hypocrisy. Video inside.

The Ladies of The View Blast "Evil" Carl Paladino

Matt Cherette · 10/11/10 01:53PM

Carl Paladino is currently "Under fire, child," (as Whoopi Goldberg said) for, well, being a homophobic idiot. On today's episode of The View, the ladies discussed Paladino's reprehensible anti-gay statements, and—in a first, really—they were all in agreement.

Crazy Radio Host Thinks Juice Boxes Are Making Kids Gay

Matt Cherette · 09/22/10 03:03PM

Alex Jones is a syndicated radio host from Texas. Jones is also a crazy person. Here's a clip of Jones calling increased homosexuality a "chemical warfare operation" caused by MSG found in kettle chips and juice boxes, among other things.

Your Weekly "Ryan the Real World Homophobe" Update

Matt Cherette · 08/04/10 11:22PM

The drama was out in full force tonight on The Real World, when homophobe Ryan actually called the police on Preston for sticking his toothbrush in the toilet. All of the action—plus a recent, reprehensible tweet of Ryan's—inside.

Your Weekly "Ryan the Real World Homophobe" Update

Matt Cherette · 07/21/10 11:00PM

Oh, Ryan. Sweet, self-loathing closet case Ryan (examples here). What homophobic hogwash do you have for us this week? Answer: a lot. Tonight, Ryan stepped up his homophobic game tenfold, and things got ugly (and real). Videos inside.