Gawker.TV: The Five Best Videos Ever of the Day

Today at Gawker.TV, Andy Richter and George Lopez talk TBS Late Night strategies, Stephen Colbert and Elvis Costello duet, Community goes Mean Girls, "fear boners," and Jason Sudeikis almost becomes a new member of the Always Sunny in Philadelphia gang.

The Gang Tries to Initiate Jason Sudeikis on It's Always Sunny
Who wouldn't want the multifaceted charms of Jason Sudeikis in his/her group of friends? Mac, Dennis, and Frank kick Charlie out to find this out, and even give him a sweet welcoming ceremony. Apparently Sudeikis just isn't cool.

Community Goes All "Mean Girls" On Us, Finds Zen on a Trampoline
There was a divide among the guys and the gals last night: Hillary Duff appeared as the school's bitchy Mean Girls-type leader, the girls adopted Abed into their clan, who fought against silly bitches with his cruel words.

Andy Richter and George Lopez Discuss Their Budding Late Night Relationship on TBS
Last night on Lopez Tonight, a meeting of the comedic minds happened. Lopez feels they'll "take late night into the future," while Andy's hoping "maybe there will actually be talk shows that make people stay awake, not go to sleep."

The League Uncovers a Devastating Male Affliction, the "Fear Boner"
The guys reach into the past to bring back some best forgotten memories. The issue is the "Fear Boner", and the havoc it wreaks upon one's dignity. Watch out for it, guys.

Elvis Costello and Stephen Colbert Sing "All I Have To Do Is Dream"
Stephen Colbert and Elvis Costello ended last night's Report with a charming duet. While this is indeed fantastic, it makes us yearn for more episodes of Cotesllo's brilliant talk show Spectacle. Let's make it happen, Sundance Channel!