New Law Says Creationism Is A-OK in Tennessee Public Schools
Caity Weaver · 04/12/12 07:50PMThe Chinese Government Did Censor Kate Winslet’s 3D Breasts, But The Quote You Read Explaining Why Is Totally Fake
Caity Weaver · 04/12/12 06:30PMKFC Thailand Tells Quake-Rattled Customers To Stock Up On Fried Chicken
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/12/12 05:10PMAnn Romney's Mommy War Becomes GOP Rallying Cry in Record Time (Update: Bumper Stickers)
Maureen O'Connor · 04/12/12 03:30PM
After a brutal year of female-alienating policy debates, the GOP has settled on a message it apparently thinks will appease the ladies: "Don't Let Barack Obama & Democrats Insult Women, MOMS DO WORK!" The mug-friendly slogan is, of course, an outgrowth of Ann Romney's war against left-leaning pundit Hilary Rosen, who said last night that Ann "never worked a day in her life."
Ann Romney Joins Twitter to Exact Revenge on Rude Democrat
Maureen O'Connor · 04/12/12 09:55AMJ.K. Rowling's First Post-Harry-Potter Book Is a Funny Story About War
Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/12/12 08:48AMAll The Popular Girls Will Wear Pajamas To Prom, Lies Teen Vogue
Caity Weaver · 04/11/12 10:42PMNew Thing To Worry About: 'Monstrous,' 'Cunning' Space Dinosaurs
Caity Weaver · 04/11/12 09:21PMIs Already Being Pregnant the Secret to Landing a Man?
Caity Weaver · 04/11/12 06:38PMThomas Friedman's Thumbs Firmly Grasp the English Language
Hamilton Nolan · 04/11/12 09:50AMThe Inherent Dangers of Getting One's Nails Did
Caity Weaver · 04/10/12 11:59PM
Californians are ready to claw someone's eyes out after a report from state's Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) found that several nail polishes billing themselves as "toxic free," were, in fact, toxic times three: they contained formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate (DBP), also known as the "toxic trio" of chemicals.
Call Me...Maybe? Wireless Providers to Disable Stolen Phones
Caity Weaver · 04/10/12 07:54PMNew York Times Reporter Blasts Boss In Email to 150 of His Best Friends
John Cook · 04/10/12 10:58AMHow to Survive the New Black Panther Party's 'Day of Action:' A Guide for Conservatives
Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/12 01:55PM
Are you all safely indoors, windows locked, "911" on speed dial? Good. Today, as you doubtless know from reading about it on Breitbart or Michelle Malkin, is the "Day of Action" as decreed by the New Black Panther Party, the most important political organization in all of black America, judging by the level of coverage it receives from Michelle Malkin.
Facebook Bought Instagram for $1 Billion
Ryan Tate · 04/09/12 01:15PMSpanish-Speaking Sexxx Store Uses Scarlett Johansson As Their Sexxxy Mascot
Leah Beckmann · 04/09/12 09:04AM
An "adult superstore" in border town Calexico, California is using an image of scantily clad Scarlett Johansson to advertise "DVD & VHS" on their business card. The managers over at VIP claim to have no idea who ScarJo is and why it's a big deal to have "lubricantes" protruding from her face, but it's only a matter of time before the Johansson brigade tracks down every last one of these cards and burns them to the ground, then Men In Black-ing anyone who's caught a glimpse.