David Brooks Loves Secrecy, Hates Journalism
Hamilton Nolan · 01/18/12 03:20PM
New York Times opinion-haver David Brooks is not a "journalist," per se; he's more of an "amiable prick." Still, he is employed by a newspaper, and he writes about news. One would think he might be, at least, in favor of, you know, journalism, or at least the spreading of facts, in the public interest. Not so!
Johnny Depp and His Lady Friend Split, Middle Aged Women Rejoice
Brian Moylan · 01/18/12 11:13AMPlease, Neither Lindsay Lohan nor Megan Fox Will Play Elizabeth Taylor
Brian Moylan · 01/17/12 02:33PMLetterman Fires Scout For Blabbing About Sexist Bookings
Ryan Tate · 01/17/12 01:10PMHow To Exploit Wikipedia's Shutdown Wednesday
Ryan Tate · 01/16/12 04:55PMWe Must All Mock This Hollywood Starlet for Wearing Toe Shoes to the Golden Globes
Brian Moylan · 01/16/12 04:05PMElton John and Madonna Are Fighting Again
Brian Moylan · 01/16/12 01:24PMIs Rooney Mara Aware She Is Not Actually Lisbeth Salander?
Maureen O'Connor · 01/16/12 11:42AMIntroducing Your Guest Golden Globes Tweeter: Justin Vivian Bond
Brian Moylan · 01/13/12 08:30PMOur Pals the Israelis Are Pretending to Be CIA Agents
John Cook · 01/13/12 01:42PMCalvin Klein and His Gay Porn Star Boyfriend Are Already Back Together?
Brian Moylan · 01/13/12 11:00AMFamous Pooping Editor Announces New Concept: 'Good News'
Maureen O'Connor · 01/12/12 06:00PMFacebook Will Read Your Private Thoughts For Politico's Benefit
Ryan Tate · 01/12/12 05:20PM
Facebook has issued another exciting edict on how your personal data will be used, announcing a partnership in which your private status messages and comments are mined for political sentiment. The information is then passed in statistical form exclusively to Politico for that site's trademark analysis. Don't worry about opting out, because that's impossible.
Classical Music Mob Goes Psycho Over iPhone
Ryan Tate · 01/12/12 02:50PMWhich Couple Split Up Because of Postpartum Depression?
Brian Moylan · 01/12/12 11:30AMGawker Writer Was Not Fired For Using 'Nigga' In Kanye West Post
A.J. Daulerio · 01/11/12 03:00PMMedia Stories Achieve Post-Pointlessness; or, Entry Level Job Interview Conducted in Car
Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/12 01:56PM
It's reassuring for me, as a writer, to know that if all else fails and my entire career crumbles to pieces, I can always survive by selling Slate literally any story about anything I have ever done. I can derive an entirely new income stream for a period of time equal to the length of my entire writing career, by writing thousands of new stories recounting each individual day of my career, and the exciting—or unexciting—lessons I learned, or did not learn. It doesn't matter that that would be pointless; "pointlessness" is a concept that does not translate to the internet. We're living in a post-pointless era. Enjoy it.