New York Post Disturbed By Lack of 9/11 Coverage On TV
Jeff Neumann · 09/12/11 04:00AMSpartacus Star Andy Whitfield Loses Battle with Cancer at 39
Seth Abramovitch · 09/11/11 10:44PMHeartbreaking Scenes From This Weekend's 9/11 Remembrances
Lauri Apple · 09/11/11 03:47PMA Guide to the Kardashian's Plastic Surgeries
Leah Beckmann · 09/10/11 01:00PM
While they (and their pr team) have denied plastic surgery rumors time and time again, it seems likely that Kim, Kourtney, and Khloe Kardashian have each gone under the knife at some point during their fame-journey. We consulted Dr. Anthony Youn, a Board-certified plastic surgeon, for his expert opinion on which procedure(s) each sister has had done. Click ahead for a guide to Kardashian Sister Surgery 101!
The Stars of 9/11: Where Are They Now?
Lauri Apple · 09/10/11 11:18AM
The September 11 attacks placed all kinds of characters—some sinister, some sympathetic—in the public eye, both making careers and ending others. It helped conspiracy theorists attract followings, terrorists earn life sentences, rescue dogs win medals, and patriotic country music stars gain crossover fans. Let's check in with some of the folks (and dogs) for whom 9/11 became a watershed personal branding moment, whether they intended it to or not.
Comment of the Day: Tom Brady's Past Life
Richard Lawson · 09/09/11 06:00PMThe Sights and Sounds of the First Day of Fashion Week
Brian Moylan · 09/09/11 05:00PMThe Latest Horrible Austrian Incest-Rape Story Was All a Misunderstanding
John Cook · 09/09/11 04:15PM
The news last month that two adult Austrian women had accused their father of keeping them in a rape dungeon for their entire lives—coupled with a remarkably similar 2008 story—prompted us to ask: What's the story with all the horrendous family-rape, Austria? Turns out the latest story isn't quite what it seemed.
Here's What You Missed During Fashion's Night Out
Leah Beckmann · 09/09/11 02:15PM
Last night was the third annual Fashion's Night Out, Anna Wintour's fake charity. We must acknowledge that this is now a global thing that happens, and will continue to happen, once every year, like some sort of culling of the herd. Here are all the celebrities, parties, and ridiculous fashions that you missed by not attending.
Let's Make Fun of Celebrity Outfits Yet Again
Brian Moylan & Maureen O'Connor · 09/09/11 02:00PMClooney's Ex Became a Reality Star Because 'I Could No Longer Face the World'
Maureen O'Connor · 09/09/11 10:50AMMuammar Qaddafi Is a Fugitive Now
John Cook · 09/09/11 10:00AM
Interpol has issued a so-called "Red Notice"—an international arrest warrant—for Muammar Qaddafi and one of his sons. It appears that high-level Libyan officials are fleeing to Niger, and if Qaddafi were indeed found there the Red Notice would ostensibly obligate that country's officials to hand him over to the International Criminal Court. It was a similar Red Notice that ensnared Julian Assange, and we all know how that turned out.
Westboro Baptist to Protest Fashion Week, Thank God
Richard Lawson · 09/09/11 09:37AMPresident Ahmadinejad Asks Syrian Leader to Show Some Compassion
Seth Abramovitch · 09/09/11 12:08AM
You know how you know you're probably a miserable, murderous, Middle East tyrant? When Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls you up and says, "Bashie? Mahmoud here. Oh, good, good. Azam and the kids are terrific! Thanks for asking. Listen, Bash, I absolutely adore your work. You know that. Great stuff. There's no one who can brutally put down an uprising like you can. Oh, stop, you flatter me. That? That was barely an uprising! That was, like, two undergrads with a Tweeter machine and a little tear gas. No, but you. You're the man. You can't see this, but I'm high-fiving you right now! Ha ha ha! No, but listen hear me out for a second here. Maybe you should think about turning down the dial a bit on this whole 'mass-murdering of your own people' thing? What? No! Not too much! Never too much. But you know how the Westerners are. They're all 'barbaric' this, 'unarmed protesters mowed down with gunboats' that. Oh crap! I'm late for my two o'clock gay hanging. Can we pick this up tomorrow? You got it. Send my love to Asma. Saw the Vogue spread. Fabulous."
Commemorate 9/11 with a Repeat of 9/11
Seth Abramovitch · 09/08/11 09:09PMScenes from the Scantily Clad All Male Underwear Show
Brian Moylan · 09/08/11 05:00PM
Yes, Fashion Week doesn't technically start until the stroke of midnight, when the city will use Anna Wintour's cold magic to transform itself into a place of model parties, runway shows, and clothing presentations. But before women's wear takes over, let's give the men an equal opportunity to shine. It's only fair, right?
Never Forget All the Tacky 9/11 Memorabilia
Brian Moylan · 09/08/11 02:26PM
In the excellent New York magazine 9/11 issue, Mark Lilla says, "The tragedy will be mourned, then trivialized, then commercialized, and then amnesia will set in." There are some tchotchkes that mourn, trivialize, and commercialize that tragedy all at once. Here is the tackiest 9/11 related crap we could find.