Kate Winslet's Projectile Vomit Helped Her Family Bond
Maureen O'Connor · 09/02/11 10:29AMThe First Zero-Casualty Month in Iraq
Seth Abramovitch · 09/01/11 10:07PMComment of the Day: The Great Troll Campaign Debate
Richard Lawson · 09/01/11 06:12PMThe Continued Redemption of Anne Heche
Richard Lawson · 09/01/11 04:49PMBye Bye, Julian
John Cook · 09/01/11 03:42PM
Many observers have understandably raised concerns for the safety of confidential informants whose identities are revealed in the full, unredacted copy of Wikileaks' State Department cables that was made public this week in a Keystone Kops farce. But the biggest victim of the latest disclosure is Julian Assange, who no longer has a reason to demand your attention.
Joran van der Sloot Formally Charged With Murder
Richard Lawson · 09/01/11 02:56PMLady Gaga Goes on Annoying Attack Against Times Fashion Critic
Brian Moylan · 09/01/11 01:22PMFrank Bruni Writes the Most Boring Story Ever Told
Hamilton Nolan · 09/01/11 12:45PM
Frank Bruni is the new Bill Keller is the new Thomas Friedman! Which is to say, the latest New York Times columnist who can be reliably depended upon to use his priceless media real estate to write utterly vacuous and worn-out tripe about this CRRRAAAZZZYYY modern technology we have in our modern world, these days.
Kris Humphries' Sad, Awkward Run-In With His Wife's Sex Tape Partner
Maureen O'Connor · 09/01/11 11:15AMBloomberg Deputy Arrested for Beating His Wife Last Month
John Cook · 09/01/11 09:37AMNYPD Set to Break Its Own 'Stop and Frisk' Record
Jeff Neumann · 09/01/11 05:39AMComment of the Day: The Michele Bachmann Gaffe Scale
Richard Lawson · 08/31/11 06:15PMThere Is No Stopping Olivia Munn
Richard Lawson · 08/31/11 05:15PMDonald Trump Would Like to Meet You—For $10,000
Brian Moylan · 08/31/11 04:47PMFormer State Department Official Advised Qaddafi While We Were Bombing Him
John Cook · 08/31/11 03:33PM
Buried in the rubble of Muammar Qaddafi's Tripoli compound is a sheaf of documents indicating that David Welch, the assistant secretary of state for Near East affairs under the Bush Administration who now works for infrastructure giant Bechtel, was providing urgent and detailed advice to the Qaddafi regime as the NATO bombs fell.
Obama Goes Mean Girls on GOP Field
John Cook · 08/31/11 12:06PM
In perhaps the most gratuitously—and joyously!—dickish move of his presidency, Barack Obama has scheduled a primetime congressional address next week at the precise moment Politico and MSNBC will be hosting a debate for the GOP presidential candidates. Have fun with your little JV debate club, bitches!
Stabbing, Fleeing, Heroism, Incompetence, Drama Captured in One Shot
Hamilton Nolan · 08/31/11 08:18AM
At London's Notting Hill Carnival on Monday, 20 year-old Rio Andre was stabbed by a teenager after trying to break up a fight. What was that intense moment like? Well, just look at this god damn picture: There's Andre in the middle of the scene with his wound, arms out, looking stricken; there's the stabber, fleeing the scene with knife in hand; there's the heroic bystander trying to trip the perp as he runs by; there are the police, frozen, like "huh?"; there's the crowd in the background, shocked.
Tripoli Tumbles on City 'Liveability Ranking Report'
Jeff Neumann · 08/31/11 04:30AM
The Economist Intelligence Unit annually releases a "Liveability Ranking Report" that "assesses which locations around the world provide the best or the worst living conditions." HR Departments routinely use it as a benchmark for whether or not a company's employees should get hardship pay. If you were, say, an oil man sent to grab Libya's natural resources at the behest of a major company (or after the "Lockerbie Bomber" was swapped for lucrative oil contracts), well, you'd be in the money! But it also wouldn't be much fun.