
A Mysterious, Inscrutable Voice of God: Why @Horse_ebooks Is Divine

Ken Layne · 09/24/13 03:52PM

We are a religious nation, even though that religious belief is rapidly fading and notoriously shallow. What we hunger for is real communion with the sacred, the unexpected voice of a mysterious god that occasionally speaks directly to our consciousness, as the old gods spoke to Moses and Mohammad or Achilles and Odysseus. This is why 200,000 people followed Horse_ebooks on Twitter. Horse_ebooks was our inscrutable god speaking in riddles.

Shut It Down: God Calls Election for Obama with Epic Double Rainbows Near the President's Old Elementary School

Cord Jefferson · 11/06/12 04:45PM

Breaking: The Lord herself has called today's election for Barack Obama—and thrown her support behind gay marriage!—with these totally badass double rainbows over Honolulu polling place Hokulani Elementary, a school only a mile or two from where President Obama grew up. You should probably still vote if you haven't already, just in case, but this one's pretty much in the bag, bro.

Yes, the Romneys Converted Mitt's Dead Atheist Father-in-Law to Mormonism

John Cook · 01/27/12 12:02PM

Gawker's substantial Mormon readership has come through for us: Two readers have sent us confirmation that Edward Davies, Mitt Romney's militantly atheist father-in-law, was indeed posthumously converted to Mormonism by his family, despite the fact that when he was alive he regarded all religions as "hogwash." UPDATE: Romney's brother-in-law responds below.

Did Mitt Romney Convert His Dead Atheist Father-in-Law to Mormonism?

John Cook · 01/26/12 12:56PM

One of the creepier corners of Mitt Romney's uncannily flawless life story is the fact that he not only drew his bride, Ann Romney, over to his weird religion: He converted her entire family as well. This despite the fact that Ann's father, Edward Davies, was a committed atheist who insisted on raising his children without religion.

Jon Stewart Mocks Fox News for Overreacting to Obama's 'Godless' Thanksgiving Address

Matt Cherette · 11/28/11 11:36PM

In case you were too busy eating last Thursday to keep up with the news, some conservatives were very upset with President Obama for leaving God out of his YouTube Thanksgiving address. No, Obama isn't the only recent president to do so, and yes, God was in his written address, but that didn't stop Fox News from devoting way too much airtime to overreacting to the "snub." So on tonight's Daily Show, Jon Stewart gave the crybaby network a nice lashing.

Obama's 'God'-less Remarks Ruined Wingnut Thanksgiving

Lauri Apple · 11/24/11 07:14PM

Watch this YouTube of President Barack Obama delivering his Thanksgiving-themed weekly address and see if you can figure out what—or Who—is missing. tl; dw? Fine, then: It's God! He did not mention God, who made everything you should feel thankful for—if you believe in God.

God Is Here to Answer Your Questions

Brian Moylan · 11/08/11 11:45AM

Have you ever suffered some tragedy and screamed out loud, "Why, God? Why?" Finally you'll get a chance to ask him in person, or at least over the internet. And he'll answer! The Almighty himself will be here in the comments of this post, taking your questions.

God Really Did Create Adam and Steve

Brian Moylan · 10/11/11 04:33PM

We've all heard members of the religious right rambling their silly, anti-gay slogan, "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Well, on this National Coming Out Day, God is coming clean and admitting they're wrong: He did, in fact, create Adam and Steve.

Teacher Lowers Grades of Students Who Say 'Bless You'

Lauri Apple · 09/30/11 09:10AM

California public school teacher Steve Cuckovich pissed off religiously minded parents—and Jesus—when he reduced the test score of a student who said "bless you" to a sneezy girl-classmate. Saying "bless you" is disruptive, Cuckovich says. But so is sneezing, so hopefully he lowered the girl's test score as well.

Rick Perry Explains How 'Supernatural Events' (Rain) Guide Him

Jim Newell · 09/15/11 03:40PM

Here's a rediscovered clip showcasing Rick Perry's religiosity, as he explained it on a Trinity Broadcasting Network program just last year. He describes the "supernatural" events — no rain, then lots of rain — that ping-ponged him between careers in farming and piloting as a young man.

Science: Silver Flung to Earth by God

Hamilton Nolan · 09/08/11 03:08PM

Australopithecus sediba! Wildfire science! Real jetpacks! Persuasion methods! Solar properties Petrified forest! Heavenly metals! Anger cooperation! And Hummingbird mating techniques that drive lady hummingbirds bazonga! It's your Thursday Health Watch, where we watch your health—voodoo, doo doo, woo hoo!

R&B Singer Tases Pastor During Church Knife Fight

Jeff Neumann · 08/11/11 07:04AM

There are epic Taser incidents and then there's this: An R&B singer and former candidate for one of Alabama's U.S. Senate seats, Simone De Moore, up until last Sunday was the music director at New Welcome Baptist Church in St. Elmo, Alabama. He was fired by Reverend Riley and, according to Moore's mother, Agolia, "They owed him. He asked them for his money."