
Google Sued for Giving Bad Directions

Max Read · 06/01/10 02:14AM

A woman is suing Google after being hit by a car while following directions from Google Maps. Do you remember when a fictional character basically did this on The Office, and people said it was unrealistic? Ha. [PC World]

Why Journalism Is Not Dying

Ravi Somaiya · 05/15/10 01:59PM

James Fallows has a truly excellent analysis of why journalism is not dying (just paper and ink) and how Google sees the industry changing. Read it if you're bored with the usual doom and gloom. [Atlantic]

Watch Conan O'Brien's Illegal Jay Leno Impression

Ryan Tate · 05/12/10 12:49PM

Here are the funniest moments of Conan O'Brien's recent visit to Google's Silicon Valley headquarters, including the comedian riffing on Google's "entitled a-hole" staff—and a cutting impersonation of Jay Leno that apparently violated legal constraints.

Poop on Rupe

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/10 12:10PM

In your holy Tuesday media column: Rupert Murdoch bathes his children in shit, David Brooks' wild undergrad antics exposed, Google has irrational hope for online ads, Playboy goes 3-D, and Donna Brazile is tired of hearing herself talk.

Cute Kangaroo Takes Google's New York Office's Hostage

Jon Martin · 04/22/10 02:51PM

Today at Google, "Take your child to work "day was a little different than usual, a kangaroo showed up. You might think Google's "Do No Evil" Mantra is BS but they sure know how to surprise employee's.

Google's New Government-Tracking Toy

Max Read · 04/21/10 02:00AM

Want to know how paranoid you should be? Google's new toy lets you see how many times your government asked Google for private information. Citizens of Brazil, Germany and India: Fetch your tinfoil hats (chapéus de papel laminado)!

Is Google Launching a Pop-Culture Blog?

Ryan Tate · 04/19/10 06:21PM

We hear YouTube is preparing a new blog, and the video-sharing site is apparently seeking one or more professional journalists to write it. Google doesn't need to wait for bloggers to take videos viral when it start the process directly.

Mac Genius Slams His Google Job

Ryan Tate · 04/19/10 02:15PM

Unemployed techies, take heart: At least your soul isn't being shredded by an awful job. It sounds like that's the case with Macintosh co-inventor Andy Hertzfeld, who says acclaimed employer Google has smothered him and drained him of creative joy.

Google Creates a Complete 3D New York

nightintern · 04/16/10 05:03PM

Google has done it again, this time by linking up Google Earth and Google Street View to create an amazing 3D map of Manhattan. Is this ground breaking new technology or one step closer to ultimate world domination by Google?

Life Inside the Googleplex Is Kinda Creepy

Ryan Tate · 04/14/10 02:38PM

What happens when Google swallows your life? A new hire at the internet company is blogging the experience, from waking in his Google apartment to taking a Google car to Google dinner and then Googling home via Google.

The Dark Side of Steve Jobs

Ryan Tate · 04/13/10 01:51PM

Steve Jobs seduced New York's media moguls all too easily, convincing them his iPad would magically keep them in business — and in chauffeured limos. But nothing easy comes free, and the publishers' digital debt is now due.

Google CEO Disses Blogging

Ryan Tate · 04/12/10 12:48PM

Eric Schmidt runs the biggest single blog network in the world, which makes it all the more bizarre that the Google CEO was insulting bloggers at a newspaper conference today. Was it something we said, Eric?