
Anne Hathaway Almost Bought A House With Follieri

Ryan Tate · 06/25/08 09:55AM
  • Sad Anne Hathaway had been shopping for homes with her scummy Italian boyfriend Rafaello Follieri right before the movie starlet finally realized she had to dump the loser. She told InStyle, for next month's issue: "If we get a house as opposed to an apartment, the first two floors will be a bit more traditional for him to be able to receive people, and the top two floors will be whatever I want." [P6]

Ex-Hooker Thanks You For Touching Her

Ryan Tate · 06/24/08 06:15AM
  • Ashley Dupre, call girl to former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, thanked her MySpace fans "for taking the time to send me a bit of strength and inspiration... your words have touched me." She thanked her detractors for making "me push myself and want it even more." [MySpace]

Sean Avery Raiding The Wrong Closets At Vogue

ryan · 06/23/08 07:31AM
  • Hockey star and Vogue intern Sean Avery showed up to a
    concert "dressed head to toe in black with a black newsboy cap... he
    looked like he was straight out of a 1998 J.Lo video." [P6]

Sheen Slur May Offend Veteran Best Man

Ryan Tate · 06/19/08 05:37AM
  • Charlie Sheen is sorry to black people for calling his ex-wife Denise Richards a "f—king n——r." He's especially sorry to "Tony Todd, an African-American, who was my best man at my first two weddings." Ha! Richards, with whom Sheen has been bitterly feuding, doesn't get an apology, and can presumably just "f—king" deal. [Us]

If Bruce Willis Doesn't Really Own This Wine Bar, I'm Leaving Right Now

Ryan Tate · 06/18/08 07:06AM
  • Republican-leaning movie star Bruce Willis opened a yuppie-friendly wine bar in the East Village, which prompted protests from neighborhood lefties and counterprotests from the Young Republicans. Turns out? He's not a partner in the bar, he just lent his name as a favor. Because, you know, wine, action movie star Bruce Willis — the connection is obvious. Plus he totally made those wine cooler commercials in the 80s. [Observer]

Mean Huffington Won't Even Praise Russert's Ties Or Whatever

Ryan Tate · 06/17/08 06:52AM
  • Observers note that Arianna Huffington waited several days to personally blog anything about the death of Tim Russert of Meet The Press, who she often criticized. Then when she did say something, she didn't really praise the man. Not even faint praise! Dammit, Arianna, the public DEMANDS DISINGENUOUS EULOGIES! [R&M]

Elizabeth Hurley Inspires Wife's Jealous Novel

Ryan Tate · 06/13/08 08:00AM
  • Denis Leary's wife, Ann, has for years been secretly not cool with the comedian having dining, hanging out with and getting diet and exercise makeovers from his knockout friend Elizabeth Hurley, so she sadly channeled her frustrations into a thinly-veiled "novel." Something tells me Denis, in a similar situation, would have just cussed and yelled about it for an hour or so until the situation somehow resolved itself. Not that there's anything wrong with different "communication styles." [R&M]

Press Hungry For Tatum O'Neal Relapse

Ryan Tate · 06/11/08 08:20AM
  • Tatum O'Neal, recently busted for buying cocaine, is now attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. But Showbiz Spy reported the actress was spotted with "what looked like white wine" at a New York ballet gala. Showbiz Spy attributed the sighting to People.com, but any mention of the wine has been scrubbed from the People.com report. We found this picture of the event from Getty Images — totally looks like iced tea. Click the thumbnail for a larger shot.

Spin Class Grunter Rides Through The Pain

Ryan Tate · 06/10/08 07:53AM
  • Having lost his criminal case, famed spin-class grunter Stuart Sugarman sued Christopher Carter, who manhandled his stationary bike, in civil court. He also sued his gym, Equinox. [Daily News]

Kate Moss Just Wanted To Powder Her Nose, Jerks

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 06:35AM
  • Kate Moss stormed out of a party at Milk Studios in Chelsea because they wouldn't let her bring three friends into the bathroom, citing a "strict one-person-at-a-time policy." [P6]

Oprah At Obama's Beck And Call

Ryan Tate · 06/05/08 08:50AM
  • Oprah Winfrey said Barack Obama's victory made her do "the happy dance all day." And she's totally ready to piss off more viewers by campaigning for him again. [Showbiz Spy]

Graydon Carter's Delicate Sensibilities Offended

Ryan Tate · 06/04/08 06:57AM
  • Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter blasts back at Clinton: "The responses from the former president and his camp are very saddening in their own ways. Characteristic, but nevertheless shocking." [Observer]

Sane Lindsay Lohan Keeps Distance From Crazy Family

Ryan Tate · 06/03/08 05:19AM
  • Lindsay Lohan's mom Dina faces "immediate arrest and imprisonment" if she doesn't show up in court this morning on charges she gets drunk in front of her kids, 11 and 14, and the she missed 15 of 29 court-ordered visitations, and showed up to one inebriated. Ex-husband Michael Lohan also threw in to the court filing that Dina is sometimes mean to her puppy — putting it in a kennel instead of letting Michael watch it — because he knows that will piss people off more than the child abuse or whatever. [R&M]

Alec Baldwin's Family Problems Not His Fault

Ryan Tate · 06/02/08 05:28AM
  • Alec Baldwin lashes out at the family court system in his book, not his ex-wife Kim Basinger. He takes care of her at live party appearances: "My ex-wife reaches an almost sexual level of satisfaction when she's in a room full of high-priced lawyers." [Showbiz Spy]

Smothered Clooney Finally Free

Ryan Tate · 05/29/08 08:53AM
  • Yes, George Clooney is single again. Ex-girlfriend Sarah Larson was "sweet" but "they had little in common." More revealing: she moved so much crap into his house during their brief relationship that he has to move out while she hauls it all away. [In Touch]