
Russian Vogue Editor's Trail of Death and Scandal

Ryan Tate · 12/22/08 03:17AM

Aliona Doletskaya has been hailed as potential successor to Anna Wintour atop U.S. Vogue. But there's a side of the Russian editor's life you didn't read about in the Times.

Team Wintour Hits Back

Ryan Tate · 12/15/08 04:13AM

For weeks, the Anna Wintour rumors coming out of Condé Nast concerned the Vogue queen's failures and purportedly impending departure. Now someone is spreading word about the Dear Editor's glorious success. Hmm.

The Craziest Speculation We've Heard About That Wendi Deng Rumor

Gabriel Snyder · 12/09/08 06:29PM

The fun party game tonight at Michael Wolff's shindig for his Rupert Murdoch biography, The Man Who Owns the News, is going to be to see if anyone from the News Corp. orbit actually shows up. There must have been some overlap in the guest list if Murdoch had Wolff move his party to tonight so as not to conflict with last night's 40th birthday party for wife Wendi Deng. Speaking of whom, we've heard at least one crazy conspiracy theory about who might be spreading rumors about her sleeping around. As with the original rumor, we're extremely skeptical but the theory is so beautifully convoluted and Machiavellian that it's worth sharing.

Chicago Columnist Outed As Blago's Favorite Patsy

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/08 01:03PM

Michael Sneed is a local gossip columnist for the Chicago Sun-Times. And she's the latest journalist to be steamrolled by Chicago's US attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald—the same prosecutor who sent fallen Times reporter Judy Miller to jail! But Sneed won't have to go to court to try to keep her sources secret, because they're named right in the complaint against corrupt governor Rod Blagojevich. You see, Sneed was allegedly the guv's go-to reporter for planting fake rumors designed to help his scheme to extort money in exchange for Obama's replacement in the Senate. Oh, this one is good.

Cindy Adams' Hilarious Gambling Problem

Richard Lawson · 12/08/08 10:42AM

Cindy Adams, Page Six's also-ran aging gossipeuse, got scooped about ten years ago by the internet, but hasn't let it stop her or slow her. No, she's pressing on, writing columns about topics like the weather today and her insidious celebrity gambling problem. It's true! She has so many famous friends and so many dark impulses to throw her money down a well of anxiety and despair. And she's not betting on ponies. No, she's wagering on strange, ineffable things. Like home repair and Broadway musicals.

New York Times Gets Scoop on Sulzberger's 'Friend' Caroline Kennedy

Gabriel Snyder · 12/06/08 03:53PM

Last night, the New York Times got the scoop that Caroline Kennedy, daughter of JFK and Jackie O, had thrown her hat in the ring to fill Hillary Clinton's Senate seat once she becomes Secretary of State. How'd that happen? Well, we couldn't help but wonder if it has something to do with the close friendship between the married Kennedy and the recently single Times publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr.

Mollygood, Stereohyped Shutting Down

Hamilton Nolan · 12/05/08 05:18PM

We heard from a pretty good source that two Jossip-owned blogs—celebrity-focused Mollygood and black person-focused Stereohyped—are shutting down, probably due to the bad economy. And it's at least half confirmed, because Mollygood has just written a post confirming that she's gone [UPDATE: Now it's totally confirmed; additional goodbye post here]. They're both pretty decent blogs in their fields, so the appropriate response here is sadness. If you have more details we should know, feel free to email us; below, a small excerpt of Mollygood's goodbye [UPDATE 2: And a statement from Jossip boss David Hauslaib]: