
Edwards Mistress Beloved At Classy Parties

Ryan Tate · 08/20/08 06:28AM

"The late Diana, Princess of Wales, was a big fan of John Edwards' lover Rielle Hunter... [At] a dinner party she hosted in London, [Diana] had someone read the dirty parts of Jay McInerney's 'Story of My Life' to guests while the waiters stood behind the chairs and tried not to laugh." [Post]

'Enquirer' Has More Baby Pictures

Pareene · 08/19/08 10:30AM

Octogenarian Post gossipeuse Cindy Adams reports that the Enquirer tomorrow will run a photo of Rielle Hunter holding the baby John Edwards maybe held in that photo that was maybe him in that hotel room he met Rielle at. They will have "proof" that it is the same baby and "proof" that it is not photoshopped. Cindy Adams also reports this: "ENOUGH already with New York's financial woes. Soon, instead of a torch, the Statue of Liberty will hold up a tin cup and pencils." [NYP]

Michael Phelps Dating Pretty Much Whoever He Wants

Ryan Tate · 08/18/08 08:53PM

Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has, for now, made that critical flip-turn into full-blown celebritydom. That means we suddenly all officially care about who the gold-metal-dapppled 23-year-old is dating, assuming we weren't already obsessed with such questions the moment we saw his chiseled Olympic bod. The current rumors have Phelps linked with Lily Donaldson, pictured left, the 21-year-old English model who displaced Kate Moss at Burberry. They also have him snogging with Amanda Beard, pictured right, who like Phelps took home gold from the 2004 Olympics but who had less success in Beijing, failing to reach the finals. Will anyone care enough to gossip about Phelps' love life in a year? Will the 2012 London Olympic hopeful have time for a love life in a year? Doubtful on both counts, but for now at least you know who to be jealous of. [Telegraph via New York, Guanabee]

Births, Deaths, and Marriages

Sheila · 08/18/08 03:21PM

Births, Deaths, and Marriages is a column about what's happening to persons of interest in Gawker society. Send us your tips about breakups, hookups, knock-ups, and everything else that completes the circle of media-life. Today's roundup: Atoosa Rubenstein, Elizabeth Spiers, and Lara Logan.

The Chameleon Child-Impersonator's Strange World

Sheila · 08/18/08 10:49AM

Frédéric Bourdin is the Frenchman recently profiled in the New Yorker for spending much of his adult life impersonating "abused and abandoned children." He's spent time in institutions, posing as a teenager, and in jail; his biggest trick yet was convincing a Texas family whose child had disappeared that he was their long-lost son. He's said to be reformed, married and a father, but who knows. Here's his bizarre YouTube page, where he posts numerous videos of himself, including this one in the bath.

Cindy Adams Mixes Her Obama Literary Agents

Sheila · 08/18/08 10:13AM

Oh, Cindy. The octogenarian Post gossipeuse confuses the literary agents for Barack Obama in today's column, incorrectly identifying the agent behind his first two books as Robert Barnett. It wouldn't be so remarkable had she not written an entire column back in July about how Jane Dystel sold Obama's first book, Dreams From My Father. Click for the mix-ups.

Is Dan Rather Joining Tina Brown's New Venture?

Ryan Tate · 08/18/08 05:54AM

Dan Rather's contract with Mark Cuban's TV network HDNet should not be up until nearly a year from now, assuming the terms Rather disclosed just before he inked the deal still hold. But would the contract prevent the former CBS Evening News anchor from contributing in some way to Tina Brown's forthcoming news website The Beast? Perhaps that's what Brown and Rather were discussing during a "very long lunch" at The Park on Tenth Avenue, as reported by a Post spy. Though Rather's work at HDNet has garnered some positive recognition, it's not nearly as visible as his work for CBS was. A Web gig or partnership would give Rather a shot at regaining more of the attention he once had — and that any veteran TV newsman would crave. Perhaps the skilled lawyers working for Brown's business partner Barry Diller can work something out on the proud old newshound's behalf. [Post]

Face Injections For Hillary?

Ryan Tate · 08/18/08 04:56AM

"A source tells us Clinton visited a New York plastic surgeon early this month and received injections of a 'dermafiller' in her face... 'It appears that she has restored a youthful look with a combination of injectables.'" Click the picture for a close-up. [R&M]

Lindsay Lohan's Real First Girlfriend

Ryan Tate · 08/18/08 12:53AM

So remember how heiress Courtenay Semel made out with reality TV star Tila Tequila in a bar recently, and famous lesbian couple Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson sat there laughing at them the whole time? No?? Your loss. Anyway, the whole thing is sort of funny in retrospect, because it turns out Lohan dated Semel before she famously edged out of the closet recently with public displays of affection for Ronson. And Ronson kind of stole Lohan away, according to a salacious British tabloid report:

John Mayer Blabs to Press About His Love Life

ian spiegelman · 08/17/08 03:03PM

Whiney song-boy John Mayer poured his heart out to a group of paparazzi in the street about why he dumped America's sweetheart, Jennifer Aniston. "I ended a relationship because there is no lying. I ended a relationship to be alone because I don't want to waste somebody's time if something's not right. I don't waste people's time," he rambled. "I don't do 'the taper.' I guarantee you [that] 20 percent of the people on this street right now who are in a relationship wish they could get out but they don't know how. And I'm going to be honest on the way in to my relationships and I'm going to be honest on the way out of my relationships." He explained that he just had to break up with the awesome Aniston-if he hadn't, you see, he would have had to cheat on the lady. It's just as simple and innocent as that!

Lindsay: My Li'l Sister Did Not Get a Boob Job, Pervs!

ian spiegelman · 08/16/08 09:28AM

Former child actress Lindsay Lohan is defending her kid sister, reality TV actress Ali Lohan, against rumors that the youngster has had breast augmentation surgery. When someone posed the question, Linds ripped the bounder apart on her Myspace page. "It made me feel a bit sick to my stomach," she wrote. "My response simply was, 'Did you really just ask me that? She is a 14-year-old girl, and you are a pedophile!'" She then goes on to stand up for her mom.

Jonathan Cheban And The King Of Bling

Hamilton Nolan · 08/14/08 10:20AM

Our effort to catch up on the glamorous life of party boy celebutard flack Jonathan Cheban has yielded an entertaining nugget! In June, Jacob Arabov (pictured)-a.k.a. Jacob the Jeweler, the "King of Bling" and go-to jewelry maker for rappers and celebrities of all stripes-submitted a memorandum to the judge in his money laundering trial describing what a great guy he is, in hopes of getting a lighter sentence. Among those vouching for for the crooked diamond merchant: Jonathan Cheben [sic]!

Page Six's Favorite Restaurant

Hamilton Nolan · 08/14/08 09:23AM

Page Six is not just a gossip column; it's the ultimate favor trading tool. Boss Richard Johnson can (within reason) make the in-crowd believe that a particular restaurant is a great place to see and be seen-whether true or not. We took a look back through all of Page Six's coverage for the first six months of this year, and put together the chart you see above, tracking the most-mentioned restaurants. It conforms to one's mental list of New York hot spots, with one exception: Cipriani, whose 21 mentions (for three locations) took the top spot. Now, Cipriani is prestigious in its own musty old way, but it hardly fits in with the rest of the list, which is full of buzz-worthy celebrity nightspots and the odd mogul hangout. Favor trading illustrated? Below are some of the more press release-like Cipriani "gossip" items P6 saw fit to print this year; judge for yourself: 6/22/08

Did A Friend Swindle Daily Candy's Founder?

Ryan Tate · 08/14/08 02:13AM

No one will shed tears for Dany Levy. The Daily Candy founder made close to $25 million, by our calculations, on the sale of her email shopping newsletter to Comcast. But former AOL honcho Bob Pittman's Pilot Group took the lion's share of the $125 million windfall, after paying Levy and her family investors just $3.5 million for the privilege five years ago. Pittman's incredible return on investment has helped rehabilitate his tarnished image. But, despite her cheery public pronouncements, Levy must lose some sleep wondering whether she could have driven a harder bargain in the dark post-dot-com days of 2003. Perhaps, one tipster wonders, her thoughts turn to Andy Russell, Pittman's junior partner at Pilot Group, and the "close family friend of Dany since childhood" who is said to have advised her on the $3.5 million valuation.

Does Ryan Adams Want Mandy Moore Back?

Ryan Tate · 08/13/08 01:26AM

Our own Tipster Amy, who keeps a very close eye on the odd website of musician/oversharer Ryan Adams, is wondering if perhaps Adams isn't missing his former recent ex-girlfriend Mandy Moore. First clue: The shaggy guitarist's homepage now carries the words "Wild Wild Hope" across the top, recalling the name of Moore's most recent album, "Wild Hope." Also: The supposed smelly narcissist made a list of things he would do if he were to desire to behave in a gentlemanly fashion. They include, "Say you are sorry while you still have the chance," which is kind of funny because it assumes a fuckup. The rest of Adams' tips are after the jump. You might learn something, cads!

New Play About Gossip Columnist Sure to Thrill and Delight Other Gossip Columnists

Richard Lawson · 08/12/08 10:19AM

The media is fascinating... to people in the media. Since they have agency to do so, though, navel-gazing journo types are often foisting slapdash memoirs or trashy novels or plays about what it's like inside their rarefied, obnoxious bubble upon a weary populace. Why just recently a former Rush & Molloy scribe named Patrick Huguenin wrote a play called Paper Dolls-that will be performed at New York's increasingly irritating Fringe Festival-about a print gossip columnist who has the gossip tables turned on her. Apparently there is some sort mention of print vs. blog tensions, which makes us wonder: what would a play about blogging be like? (And no, we do not count that stupid Perez Hilton Saves the Universe and Looks Stupid Doing It or whatever that dumb thing is called.) We'll take a stab at it after the jump. [Lights up on a couch. It is nearing a state one could call "ratty." There is a coffee table littered with old magazines and bits of marijuana. A man, BLOB, shuffles on. Blob sits down on the couch and reaches underneath it. He pulls out a laptop computer. Opens it on the table. He scratches his head. Types a little. Maybe chuckles once or twice. He looks as though he's just about to fall asleep, but never quite does. At times he types furiously, at others he just balances the computer precariously on his knees and watches some sort of video on the computer screen. This continues for eight hours. Finally he closes the computer and sits back in the couch. He closes his eyes. A roommate, BEBE, enters. She drops her bag on the floor.] BEBE: Hey. How was your day? BLOB: Eh. BEBE: Did you get out at all? BLOB: No. BEBE: You should, it's really nice out. [Blob nods his head and does a weak attempt at a thumbs-up.] BEBE: Let's open the curtains here... [She goes to open the curtains, Blob reacts violently with a series of grunts and moans.] BEBE: Fine. Fine. Well, what are you doing tonight? [Blob gets up. Shuffles off stage. He soon returns with a beer (or glass of wine or cocktail) and sits back down on the couch.] BEBE: Aha. BLOB: Did you get batteries for the remote? [Bebe sighs. Picks her bag up, digs around. Pulls out a pack of batteries, tosses it on the coffee table.] BLOB: Great, thanks. BEBE: Well... Uh, well I guess I'm going to... go... this way now. BLOB. Mm. BEBE: You know you should probably- [She stops herself, sighs again. Blob doesn't notice. She exits. Blob sits still for a moment, then reaches for the computer. Opens it up again. The lights fade and all that is left is the blue glow of the monitor illuminating his sallow, ashen face. This continues for years and years and years. End of play.] That is some pretty exciting stuff, right? Continue the play in the comments below if you care to.

Which Publisher Bedded Edwards' Mistress?

Pareene · 08/12/08 09:50AM

"Rush & Molloy" today ask: "What publisher and man-about-town may have had a liaison with Rielle Hunter, the woman who had an affair with John Edwards and a relationship with his pal Jay McInerney? He's told friends they were 'in bed for a week.'" That's a liaison? We call it a hangover (or a stay-cation!), but let's not split hairs. Who is it? Nick Denton? John Peter Zenger? Is Men's Health publisher Jack Essig a man-about-town? Actually how great would it be if it was Jared Kushner! In bed with a week with the acid-damaged Donna Rice. He's probably not her type, though. Former presidential candidate Steve Forbes would be a similarly amusing choice. Maybe it's Bob Guccione, Jr? After Ann Coulter and Candace Bushnell, we know he likes insane blondes. And they've got to make Rielle look low-maintenance, right? Wait, shit, it's Felix Dennis, isn't it?

Was Dov Charney's Dog Devoured By A Coyote?

Ryan Tate · 08/11/08 10:25PM

Dov Charney, the self-stimulating CEO of American Apparel, is wondering if you've seen his dog HedKayce. The little guy went missing in the Echo Park neighborhood of Los Angeles for at least the second time since April, when he was feared eaten by the local coyotes. Oy maybe Charney has been looking for the same dog for more than three months. In any case, the creepy clothier presumably holds out hope the dog has not become canid food, because he has "slammed" the surrounding area with "Lost Dog" flyers, LAist reports. Charney even switched some of his billboard advertising from scantily-clad young women to the plea for help seen at left. Awww, sweet and sad all at once. But how did a neurotic obsessive like Charney misplace his dog in the first place? Maybe he was somehow distracted?? [LAist]

John Edwards' 'Father Of The Year' Speech: Most Ironic Moments

Ryan Tate · 08/11/08 09:42PM

For some reason, the official John Edwards YouTube channel still includes a speech Edwards made in 2007 accepting a "Father Of The Year" award, even though it contains various comments that sound funny/awful now that the former presidential candidate has admitted to cheating on his wife. Edwards' people might have been expected to remove the video Friday, when it was discovered and linked by producers for delicate CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, a crew no doubt highly attuned to subtle irony delivered in front of a camera (though Deceiver beat them to it —Update). Of course, the Edwards camp was busy dealing with Nightline late last week, and maybe they also figured removing the speech would lend credence to charges Edwards fathered a love child, which he still denies. Plus, at six minutes long, the YouTube video is a slog most haters will never get through. So here are the best 23 seconds, courtesy CNN. Click the video icon to watch.