
Pedobear Pays a Visit to Pope Ben

Maureen O'Connor · 04/11/10 06:26PM

Two billboards advertising a papal visit to Malta have been defaced with Pedobear. "It is not clear why the artist in question juxtaposed the bears with the Pope," reports the Times of Malta. Let us clear it up.

More Neckface Face!

Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/08 02:46PM

Yesterday the formerly-secret face of awesome (suck it, haters) street artist Neckface was revealed to the world. Now we have, possibly, two more photos, which is kinda interesting, I'd say:

Banksy (Rats) NYC

Hamilton Nolan · 09/29/08 01:30PM

Semi-anonymous street art legend Banksy reportedly collaborated with a sign-painting company on this mural, which went up last weekend in Soho, NYC. He likes us—he really likes us! At least the rats among us. [via Gothamist]

"5-year-old knows right and wrong, and graffiti is wrong"

Hamilton Nolan · 09/16/08 03:57PM

Newsday reporter Rocco Parascandola either drew the short straw at the assignment desk yesterday, or he sincerely believes that a five-year-old's opinion on the graffiti menace is worth 700 words. A mouthy little law-and-order kindergartener on Long Island got so worked up by an earlier Newsday story on taggers that he had his grandpa transcribe his tiny thoughts on the issue into a letter, which warranted another Newsday story, in which everybody comes off as monumentally stupid. Particularly Newsday: