In your finally Friday media column: Haaretz gets poetic, the Boston Globe gets profligate, Tim Russert gets remembered, and the newsy porn magazines get downsized:
In your inexorable Thursday media column: Nickelodeon magazine folds, newspapers face threats from within and without, Glenn Beck is allegedly a superstar, and the answer to a question you didn't know you had:
In your woozy Wednesday media column: multiple music magazines die, the Boston Globe thinks it's too tough to kill, Harvard newsies can't find jobs, Surface magazine gets a cheaper office, and a report from the newspaper conspiracy meeting:
In your countercultural Tuesday media column: Gay porn mags fold en masse, Chevron is evil as usual, Slate deems women capable of running their very own blog, and prison radio kicks ass:
Jimmy Fallon has a lot going for him: His house band The Roots are Grammy nominated. His blog-crew is Webby nominated. And he, well, he reads Gawker to get his spirits up. True story!
What's deposed Portfolio editor Joanne Lipman been up to since her magazine folded, besides lying about not reading this website? Partying, vacation planning, and blaming others!
In your bitter Monday media column: Newspaper circulation predictably declines, Martha Stewart is predictably scared of us, old people predictably get conned by media hustlers, and Portfolio's unpredictable burn rate:
Conde Nast, Manhattan's most lavish magazine publisher, was once able to subsidize expensive and monumental magazine launches with newspaper profits. But now the last of its kind, Portfolio, is dead.
Update: The rumors are true, confirms staff blogger Jeff Bercovici. We (and others) hear a rumor that Conde Nast is folding long-suffering $100 million business magazine and object of our fascination, Portfolio.
In your traditional Tuesday media column: Dan Abrams insists he's clean, the Great Magazine Die-Off continues, newspapers are not doing well, TV on the good trains, and more!
In your magaziney Thursday media column: Maxim UK's dead in print, Airline magazines go terrestrial, Michael Wolff's Vanity Fair retribution piece, and Esquire plays with toys:
In your troubling Wednesday media column: layoffs at Conde Nast and the Boston Globe, Bill Keller fights back, King's officially dead, North Korea's still mean to journalists, and more:
We're hearing a rumor from a fairly good source that Harris Publications' KING—"The Illest Men's Magazine Ever," as you know—may be folding. If you'd like to confirm or deny, email us.
In your blustery Monday media column: The NYT's folding its City section, Sam Zell's a white devil, Fulcrum and Brandweek are teetering, and Dylan Ratigan's a populist:
Best Lifefolded today. But it was just the latest of many magazines to die in this grim, anti-glossy era of dirt and mud. Here, 23 of the departed. [Montage by Jess Shaffer]
Rodale is folding the men's magazine Best Life. The May issue (out next month) will be its last. The move was just announced in a staff memo, copied below: