
OK!'s US Edition a Big Failure?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/09 01:31PM

In your meaty Tuesday media column: rumors of coming layoffs (and a die-off?) at OK! magazine, a golf magazine is killed, advertising plummets, media companies may default, and Americans don't know a damn thing:

Octo-Grandma Gossip-Laundering

Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/09 02:32PM

In your temperate Monday media column: How ABC landed the octuplet-grandma "scoop," yet another plan to save the NYT, journalism lives(?), and a magazine dies (no question):

Hippie Magazine Flakes On Paying Writers?

Ryan Tate · 02/05/09 06:37AM

Hard to imagine, but try: Could the eco-hippies who published late green magazine Plenty be stiffing writers who contributed to its last issue? Environmental writers are starting to suspect so!

How Bad Is It at The New Yorker?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/30/09 01:26PM

The latest issue of The New Yorker runs 82 pages. What you see above is all—all—of the paid advertising. Is it time to get seriously concerned?

Sara Nelson Out, Sharon Waxman In

Hamilton Nolan · 01/26/09 02:48PM

In your sobering Monday media column: Publishers Weekly editor laid off, scrounging for dollars and cougars, former New York Times Hollywood reporter Sharon Waxman's web site cometh, and more!