
Fake Moorish Scientists Driving Courts Nuts

Lauri Apple · 07/27/11 01:17PM

Saying you follow the Moorish Science faith has become the new "I'm 1/16th Cherokee," at least among financial fraudsters. All across our great, greedy nation, people are falsely claiming Moorish Scientist status in order to file phony legal documents, avoid paying taxes, and declare one's self above the law, among other illegal things.

CNN Talking Head Erick Erickson Will Endorse You, For Money

John Cook · 06/07/11 11:36AM

If you're stupid or horrible enough to want founder and habitually wrong professional right-wing shit-thrower Erick Erickson to publicly vouch for your product or candidacy, you're in luck! All you need is to pay him, money, in order to compensate him for his credibility among idiots.

Disney Trademarks 'SEAL Team 6'

John Cook · 05/13/11 05:05PM

No sooner does a team of anonymous American heroes risk their lives in pursuit of a solemn oath of justice than a multinational cartoon corporation seeks to profit from it with shitty tchochkes. Two days after members of the Navy's SEAL Team 6 killed Osama bin Laden, Disney trademarked the name for use in, among other things, "Christmas tree ornaments."

How Twitter Extorted a Desperate City

Ryan Tate · 04/06/11 06:25PM

Twitter, the lavishly funded microblogging service, is bullying its hometown of San Francisco into $22 million in tax breaks even as the city cuts health, police, transit and virtually all other city services. So much for Twitter's bleeding heart pretensions.

Santa Claus Is Listening, You Bastards

Hamilton Nolan · 12/06/10 05:15PM

The Way We Live Now: stocking up on outrage. You can't blow all your outrage at once during this long and protracted class war. You have to parcel it out. Like budgeting for food, or cable, or your upcoming funeral.

Power Plants Not Sorry for Poisoning Ohio Residents

Jeff Neumann · 03/18/10 07:29AM

Mercury levels emitted from three Ohio power plants have more than doubled over the past few years. Why, you might ask? So the power company can save money, of course. We're in a recession, people!

The Rich and Dying Choose Money Over Life

John Cook · 12/30/09 11:45AM

Because Congress is populated by venal idiots, the estate tax expires on January 1, 2010 only to rise again on January 1, 2011. So rich old people everywhere are deliberately engineering their lives to end during the next calendar year.

Vikram Pandit: Dead Man Walking

cityfile · 03/19/09 07:40AM

Did you hear about that little scandal over at AIG? Yea, well, someone's been stealing Vikram Pandit's copy of the Journal from his doorstep the past few mornings because Bloomberg just dropped the bombshell that Citigroup plans to spend "about $10 million" building out new offices for Pandit and his top lieutenants. According to affidavits filed with New York's Department of Buildings, the bank that has collected $45 billion from the U.S. government will spend at least $3.2 million constructing 17 offices. But when you account for the architect's fees—and add in the cost of furniture—"the tally for the offices at the bank's Park Avenue headquarters will be at least three times as high." But it sure sounds like it will be lovely: The plans "specify the installation of at least one Sub-Zero refrigerator and icemaker in the renovated space, along with 'premium grade' millwork and Madico Inc. 'Safety Shield 800' blast-proof window film." Too bad by the time construction work is done, Pandit will be out of a job.

Natalie Portman And Michelle Williams In: Scenes From A Catfight

Kyle Buchanan · 02/10/09 04:28PM

The trailer above is just a sampling of the vaguely lesbionic tussling that can be found in Polanski's short film Greed, which is exclusively showing over at Dazed Digital. The project is the latest work from artist Francesco Vezzoli, who's known for creating trailers, premieres, and now a perfume ad for products that don't actually exist (you may remember his fake coming attraction for a Caligula remake starring Courtney Love, Benicio del Toro, and Helen Mirren). Finally, we've found a plausible explanation of the trailer for Crank 2: High Voltage!