
Woman With Runny Nose Turns Out to Be Woman With Leaking Brain Fluid

Taylor Berman · 12/03/12 08:28PM

If this doesn't prove that you should always self-diagnose yourself with the worst symptom-matching WebMD diagnosis possible, nothing will. After four months of leaking a grotesque amount of liquid from her nose, which several doctors initially blamed on severe allergies, Aundrea Aragon went to the emergency room where, after testing the fluid, she was diagnosed with a cerebrospinal fluid leak AKA her brain juices were leaking all over her face.

Robert Kessler · 11/19/12 12:56PM

Month-old caviar and expired yogurt are what's for dinner (probably) at Donald Trump's "C" grade Las Vegas steakhouse.

Mitt Romney Sleeps Almost Naked and Other Uncomfortable Moments From This Morning's Live With Kelly and Michael

Kate Bennert · 09/18/12 06:29PM

This morning, the already infamous interview with the Romneys aired on ABC's Live with Kelly and Michael. Mr. and Mrs. Romney took it upon themselves to share with us the more intimate details of their everyday lives: Ann leaves the cap off the toothpaste, Mitt wears "as little as possible" to bed, Ann once walked in on George W. Bush "having a massage..." You know, they're just like us and all that.

Max Read · 08/02/12 10:05AM

What's Ryan Lochte's sex life like? Let's ask his mom: "He goes out on one-night stands," she tells Matt Lauer. Oh.

Why Isn't Rush Limbaugh Talking About the Real Batman Conspiracy?

Max Read · 07/17/12 03:46PM

Today on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh blew the lid off of President Obama's most devious plot yet: the villain in this summer's new Batman move is named Bane, a homophone of Bain, the financial services company founded by Mitt Romney. But why is Limbaugh ignoring the far deeper, and far more disturbing conspiracy right in front of his nose?

Do These Unbelievably Horrifying Photos Show the Miami Cannibal's Victim?

Max Read · 05/29/12 12:42PM

These two really, unbelievably gruesome photos, allegedly of the Miami man whose face was partially eaten off over Memorial Day weekend, have been circulating around the internet, because the sight of rended flesh is a visceral reminder of the unbearably thin dividing line between life and death, and also because they're really fucking gross.