
The Twitterati Listen to Blowhard Electronica

Owen Thomas · 04/24/09 04:11PM

This is the media life on Twitter: Readers daring to call on the phone, bloggers taking each other out to lunch, and blowhard predictions made about blowhard predictions! Today's Twitterati:

The Twitterati Ride a Train to Unemployment

Owen Thomas · 03/27/09 05:19PM

You know the media have fallen when former Star editorial director Bonnie Fuller can't get a car and driver. Also, another writer dude is newly unemployed! More vital information from the Twittersphere today:

The Twitterati Are Totally Losing It

Owen Thomas · 02/13/09 05:46PM

Today, a media elite replete with tweets thought about all the things they no longer have. And boy, did Wired's editor get mad at a Danish reporter! Also, food, food, and more food:

Was Sid Blumenthal The Clinton Leaker?

Ryan Tate · 11/19/08 07:51AM

It was odd, wasn't it, that Britain's Guardian, of all publications, was first to report Hillary Clinton planned to become Barack Obama'sSecretary of State? The paper's DC bureau chief, according to today's Observer, "said... his source said he could use the information as long as he didn’t source it." One tipster of ours, apparently speaking speculatively, is certain the source has to be Sidney Blumenthal, who was a senior unpaid campaign advisor to Clinton during her campaign, was an aide in Bill Clinton's White House and — key detail — has a column at the Guardian, presumably handled by the DC bureau, since that's where he lives.

Why Are Mean Fashion People So Mean To Marie Claire's Joanna Coles?

Moe · 09/09/08 05:16PM

I get the sense Joanna Coles is one of those people whose unbridled enthusiasm for everything lends her a dorky quality that make her gargantuan ambitions somehow endearing. Since she took the editor-in-chief spot at Marie Claire two years ago, the magazine's newsstand sales have plunged nearly 30%, but you get the feeling she doesn't let it get her down! And anyway, people are paying attention to Joanna this Fashion Week because she just hired Project Runway judge Nina Garcia away from Elle. Fashion people sometimes say bitchy things about Joanna, mostly "that Joanna Coles is a nerdy poser who has to pay Nina to sit next to her at fashion shows," because fashion people are ridiculous and so is Joanna, a little bit. Just today Fashion Week Daily ran a huge long interview with her along with a little gossip item that seemed harmless but was actually sort of cruel! Read that and our Coles FAQ — and just for kicks, see a pic of Nina Garcia in a realllly short skirt — after the jump.

How America Saved Prince Harry's Life

Rebecca · 02/29/08 12:44PM

Army man Prince Harry has left Afghanistan following Matt Drudge's release of his whereabouts. The British military has decided it was too risky for the spare Prince to stay there with his location known. Predictably, the British blame the American media for our general boorishness.

Hipster Travelblogger Victim of "Mob Rule" Online, Not Nepotism

Sheila · 02/18/08 11:03AM

Last week, we introduced you to Max Gogarty, the son of freelance travel writer Paul Gogarty, who has written for the Guardian. Max has been granted a forum to travelblog his way through Asia for the Guardian. How marvelous! His rather clueless and privileged first post prompted such class rage from commenters that the Guardian chose to shut commenting down. And Max won't be blogging any more, adds his Dad (in the comments). Now the Guardian is bemoaning this saga of "backpackers, bullies, and internet myths." Hey, did you know? "The recent pillorying of 19-year-old Max Gogarty shows that, without tolerance, there is only mob rule online," reminiscent of "China's Cultural Revolution."

Guardian Staffers Successfully Test the Internet

interngreg · 01/19/08 11:55AM

The long-predicted but slow-arriving death of print media seems to be moving at faster clip of late. Yearning to break free of their dying medium, the UK's Guardian Media Group has hired an exec whose job it is to get everyone using the intertubes like their kids do. Yesterday, in a workshop, a group of Guardian executives all learned Flickr and the YouTube and even wrote some blogs and things. The session was webcast to show to other Guardian people that nobody died or even got hurt. High fives, guys! We knew you had it in you. [Buzz Machine]

Wikia not so transparent, says U.K. hack

Tim Faulkner · 01/07/08 05:40PM

Jimmy Wales declares "transparency" a central pillar of his new startup Wikia. But the entrepreneur has quickly obscured discussion of his business's operations. Guardian journalist Seth Finkelstein says he was "moderated," or restricted from posting, for posing questions about how Wikia runs on a Wikia-controlled mailing list. Finkelstein would like to know exactly how Wikia is being funded and operated, which is not entirely clear currently. And we may never know, based on Wales's definition of transparency. The irascible Wales states, "I will allow through his posts if he wants to contribute positively to our work." That's certainly transparent enough.

Choire · 10/23/07 09:03AM

Ooh, Guardian America is here, new today! Now we can get American news with that punchy English flair. It's sort of confusing because it's just like the Guardian only with fewer names that you don't recognize? But now, should we ignore the "foreign" Guardian? But what if we want to read about the Kurds? Guardian American won't write about the Kurds any more than any other American publication! Isn't this sort of like (but in reverse?) how BBC America doesn't actually carry the super-trashy English programs we really crave? [Guardian America]

abalk · 07/02/07 08:31AM

The Guardian bought the profile of Wendi Deng Murdoch that was spiked back in May by Australia's Fairfax group amidst suspicion that Rupert Murdoch didn't want it to see print. The Independent hears rumors that the paper will not run the piece because "the profile is rather one-sided. " Uh, what's the other side? [Independent]

Media Bubble: Fox Hunts

abalk2 · 01/25/07 09:10AM
  • Keith Kelly gets the "exclusive": Time Warner is selling its Time 4 Media properties to the Bonnier Group for a sum considerably less than the $300 million they wanted. Tough break for AdAge, which had the story yesterday but pulled it. [NYP]

Media Bubble: Putting the Jew in "Judith Regan"

abalk2 · 12/18/06 09:30AM
  • Apparently, what finally got Judith Regan canned was making anti-Semitic comments. When are people going to learn that you cannot fuck with the Jews? Also, if anyone out there knows what she said specifically, get in touch. We'll pay top dollar to either of you Jew lawyers who were on the other end of the phone. [NYT]

Media Bubble: Mixed Bag

abalk2 · 11/20/06 10:10AM
  • David Carr discovers, "the limitless appeal of the famous performing the mundane ." [NYT]