Obama Acting Like a "Rapper" Shames America on the World Stage
Hamilton Nolan · 11/11/14 09:41AMThis Woman Uses Her Hair as Floss in the Name of Thrift
Rich Juzwiak · 10/16/14 01:18PMDiet Coke Will Also Kill You, FYI
Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/11 05:44PMSpanish Government Wants to Make Gum Less Sticky
Max Read · 11/29/10 11:51PMMeet the Man Who Paints Pictures on Used Chewing Gum
Max Read · 11/03/10 01:56AMKarma Attacks, Beats Wrigley's Chris Brown Campaign
Hamilton Nolan · 08/07/09 10:59AMWrigley had the bright idea to pay Chris "Bubblegum" Brown to put out a pop song that was actually a Wrigley commercial—but without telling anyone it was a Wrigley commercial. The public ate it up! It went huge on pop charts! Proving that people who drive chart sales have no taste, and Wrigley has no ethics.
America's Health Care Plan: Bacon Gum
Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/09 10:16AMAlso Proven to Get You Laid, Grow Bigger Breasts and Quite Possibly Cure Cancer
Gabriel Snyder · 04/23/09 08:45AMBoycott Wrigley If You Ever Want To Hear Real Music Again
Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/08 09:33AM
Deep down in our hearts, where we keep our darkest fears hidden, we knew this day would come: the day when you find out after the fact that a hit song is actually an advertisement. Let the tears of rage flow. Chris Brown is not the vessel of true love that you thought! When the R&B star sang "We can go anywhere, go anywhere/ But first, it's your chance, take my hand, come with me," he wasn't talking to you, girl; he was talking to your Wrigley's Doublemint gum. But the company is only revealing its sponsorship after Brown's song, "Forever," had become a top-10 hit. We don't want to appear as if we invest the music of Chris Brown with any meaning whatsoever; but now would be an appropriate time to begin boycotting Wrigley, if you would like to have the option of listening to songs that aren't sponsored by mega-corporations in the coming decade.