
Here Is a Collection of Twitter Trolls Teaching Photoshop to Ann Coulter

Adam Weinstein · 05/12/14 11:20AM

Ann Coulter's bullshit conservative troll game is slipping. In her zeal to land a jab against... Twitter? Michelle Obama? Nigerian schoolgirls?... she opened a door for her detractors, and they jumped through it with a two-leg flying kick of Photoshop fury.

Hashtags Coming to Facebook

Mallory Ortberg · 03/16/13 01:15PM

The Facebook you already know, but now with more hashtags in it. #Hashtags are #coming to #Facebook. That's #digital. That's #innovative. That's #disruptive. From the Wall Street Journal:

12 Crucial Election Hashtags to Follow on Twitter Tonight

Adrian Chen · 11/06/12 06:30PM

This is it, America's first "social media election." But how do you filter out all of the noise on Twitter from the real juicy data points? We have assembled a list of 12 crucial hashtags to follow for the best source of up-to-date election news on Twitter:

From #MurderForPizza to #TooFatToKill: The Best of Nancy Grace, Queen of Hashtags

Max Read · 09/26/12 05:20PM

Nancy Grace, the crazy lady who yells about justice on CNN's Headline News, might have the best account on Twitter. It's mostly just a reflection of her show's moralistic, crusading tabloid tone (a lot of moms accused of murdering their kids, or kids accused of murdering their moms, or pregnant moms murdering each other) but the Twitter format elevates it to a whole new level of blank, almost meditative vapidity, especially in her hashtags — small, violent tone poems sloughed of almost all meaning and beamed out to an unreplying universe. Below, a collection of her best, organized by category.

Washington Post Event Has #Hashtag Name Just to Be #Cool

Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/12 02:19PM

Put on your thinking caps, go into active listening mode, and stretch out your inside voices, Washington Post employees: it's time for a good old-fashioned in-house daylong corporate brainstorming session. No idea is too wacky to win the $1,000 prize! Looking at you, Hipness Desk. So remember to RSVP for this big event, #PostDisrupt. Is it on Twitter? No, there's just a hash tag in the name. For reasons of #Disrupt #Journalism #Hipness #BobWoodwardIsDoneAndWeNeedSomethingBig. The full email is below.