
Remainders: During the Strike, Styles Section Fails Us All

Jessica · 12/22/05 05:50PM

• We're glad the strike is over for myriad reasons, not the least of which is sparing us from thoughtless, insipid articles about how poorly we dressed just to stay warm. We're sure it was easy to pen crap like that from the comfort of your town car — did Daddy get you that job at the Styles desk? [NYT]
• Nothing a little anal bleaching can't fix. [CNN]
• The only difference we can think of between chick-flick staples Dermot Mulroney and Dylan McDermott is that we see one of them on the street all the time. The, uh, Irish one with the dark hair. [Fametracker]
• Of the five finalists for Jersey's new state slogan, "Love at First Sight" strikes us as the most misleading. [WCBS]
• Brangelina are rumored to have purchased Yves St. Laurent's $25 million Normandy coast summer home, where they will have wild, French animal sex. [The Daily]
• We're sorry, but a sorority just isn't a sorority if it calls itself "feminist." And sisterhood just isn't sisterhood unless you go down on a SigEp first. [Salon]

Teachable Moments in Headline Writing

Jesse · 12/19/05 08:38AM

Today's lesson: On the Monday morning when charities have just beaten storms for Person of the Year honors and Time's cover, this is not a good headline for a story about traditional holiday-season charities facing shortfalls because people have given so much money this year to storm-recovery charities instead.

The Madness of President George

Jesse · 12/12/05 08:49AM

Maybe we misunderstand our colonial history, but — what with a government far away attempting to manage its colonial outpost, an insurrection by the locals against those foreign rulers, a king named George who may well be crazy — doesn't that analogy make us the bad guys?

Maury Povich-esque Sensationalism, Next on Oprah

noelle2 · 12/09/05 05:00PM

"Girlfriend might not be going home with a face, but everyone in this audience will be leaving with an Estee... Lauder... gift... bag!!" [manic screaming and applause] Meanwhile, on Tuesday: Oprah gives away "The Oprah Winfrey Show."

NYP Can't Keep Its Big Mouth Shut

Jessica · 12/07/05 09:10AM

We're not mocking the matching covers of our local tabs — the shooting death of NYPD officer Dillon Stewart certainly merits a synergistic show of respect. But while the Daily News is strong and silent, the Post just couldn't resist the power hed, could they? Way to ruin a moment, dicks.

The Man With the Plan, or Not

Jesse · 12/01/05 08:05AM

It's nice to see, every now and then, that Americans aren't quite as gullible as we often fear they are: