
Also, Millions of People Were Not Murdered Last Night!

Jesse · 11/29/05 02:13PM

Don't get us wrong. We understand the nature of the scientific method is to eliminating possibilities. But, still, we're amused by this definition of news. We await other, analogous headlines in future editions of Science Times:

CNN Adds Insult to Injury

Jesse · 11/23/05 10:43AM

Like it's not bad enough some of us have to work today, CNN really needs to tease us, too?

Are Magazines Necessary?

Jesse · 11/22/05 11:39AM

Magazines, as we all know, are never afraid to confront the big questions. And The Washington Post's Magazine Reader, Peter Carlson, proves that today by rounding up all the questions asked on this month's crop of glossies.

No Kate Moss Joke Necessary

Jessica · 11/08/05 10:59AM

It's estimated that as many as 80,000 lines of cocaine per day spill into London's River Thames, after passing through users' bodies and sewage (we recall a similar story regarding the cocaine content of an Italian river). This leads us to wonder: What do you suppose the coke content of NYC's rivers would be? Surely the East River would make the Hudson look like a mere recreational user.

By Any Other Name

Jesse · 11/02/05 11:02AM

See, they were on a first-syllable basis. Because she and Art Sulzberger were so tight.