
Hillary Clinton Doesn't Want Your Vote

Alex Pareene · 01/14/16 10:37AM

Hillary Clinton is not going to make it easy for you to come around to supporting her. “You” meaning the good young liberal, who probably voted for Obama, and perhaps even (if you are old enough) supported him over her in 2008.

Elderly Man Sues Kaiser for Completely Eroding His Dick

Jay Hathaway · 01/23/15 02:30PM

An elderly man claims his penis "completely eroded away" over the course of two weeks, far past the point where reconstructive surgery could have saved it, because Kaiser wouldn't let his nurses remove a catheter. He's suing the insurance company for refusing to end his painful ordeal and causing "permanent genital mutilation," Courthouse News reports.

Please Put Prices on Health Care

Hamilton Nolan · 11/06/14 11:07AM

There are many things wrong with the bloated, expensive American health care system. I would like to complain about one small part of it: the prices. It's not just that the prices are high. It's that... where the hell are the prices?

Sarah Hedgecock · 05/08/14 12:57PM

Sylvia Mathews Burwell, President Obama's nominee to become secretary of Health and Human Services, arrives at the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee for her confirmation hearing on Thursday. Image via J. Scott Applewhite/AP.

Damn, Why Are Prescription Drugs So Expensive?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/01/14 10:00AM

You might think that the U.S. government's small step towards a national health care system would somehow help bring the cost of prescription drugs down to reasonable levels. You could not be more wrong! You idiot!

40 Sick Vets Died While Languishing on a "Secret" V.A. Waiting List

Adam Weinstein · 04/24/14 11:24AM

Administrators at the Department of Veterans Affairs' hospital in Phoenix used an off-the-books paper system to hide a backlog of thousands of sick veterans who needed health care, and at least 40 vets died while waiting for the facility to take them.

Sarah Hedgecock · 03/31/14 04:35PM

Maria Flor Rios holds her son Giovanni Gonzales as they stand in line with others waiting to sign up for health care insurance at the business office of Parkland Hospital in Dallas on Monday. Image via LM Otero/AP.

Wal-Mart Is Concern Trolling America Over Health Care

Hamilton Nolan · 11/18/13 10:40AM

No one cares more about poor Americans than the Wal-Mart corporation does. That's why Wal-Mart is speaking up to say: The government must stop forcing Americans to waste money on health care, when that money could be spent buying crap at Wal-Mart.