
The Two Worst Senators

Pareene · 09/30/09 12:53PM

So which Senate Democrats should you hate, today? There are so many to choose from! Let's name names.

Barack Obama's Art Brigades Are Coming for You

John Cook · 09/08/09 01:54PM

Matt Drudge is playing up Andrew Breitbart's latest Obama conspiracy theory—that he is enlisting the aid of the all-powerful visual arts cartel in support of healthcare reform. How long before artist thugs are dragging conservatives from their homes?

Poverty Spawn Returning to Pauper School

Hamilton Nolan · 09/04/09 12:58PM

The Way We Live Now: Falling through the safety net. Instead of "doctors," we have EMTs. Instead of "vacations," we have the park. Instead of "new Trapper Keepers," we have your new Trapper Keeper, that we stole. From you.

Teabaggers Ambush, Listen Politely To Al Franken

Pareene · 09/04/09 08:53AM

This is like the "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out" of health care town hall viral videos. According to the videographer/blogger, a dozen teabaggers staked out Al Franken's booth at the Great Minnesota Get-Together ready to boo and hiss and shout "socialism!" and all of those things that they have been doing, everywhere.

Healthcare Debate Descends Into Ritual Cannibalism

John Cook · 09/03/09 10:01AM

A proponent of healthcare reform reportedly bit off the pinkie finger of a 65-year-old anti-reform protester at a rally in Sherman Oaks, Calif., yesterday. He should have eaten his heart—it gives you their strength!