
Science: Women Are Bad at Lifting Stuff

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/14 10:33AM

If you've ever been around women, you've probably heard them exclaim, "Oh! My back!" while grabbing their backs (which they just injured). Science has, at long last, explained why women are always like, "Oh! My back!"

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/14 10:37AM

A new study in the journal Frontiers in Psychology finds that adjunct professors in U.S. colleges are at unique risk of "depression, anxiety, and stress" due to their jobs. Why might that be?

Study: Tylenol Is Useless for Back Pain

Hamilton Nolan · 07/24/14 08:48AM

If you are a human who has successfully survived past the age of 30, chances are you've experienced lower back pain, a condition brought on by excessive sitting, standing, inactivity, or moving. A new study says: there is no relief.

Study: You Are Not Working Out

Hamilton Nolan · 07/07/14 03:53PM

In the past 20 years, the caloric intakes of Americans and the composition of their diets have not significantly changed. But obesity rates have steadily risen. Why? Probably because motherfuckers are not working out.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/14 11:05AM

From Bloomberg today: "About 600,000 Chinese a year die from working too hard, according to the China Youth Daily. China Radio International in April reported a toll of 1,600 every day." What?? Chinese readers, please weigh in below on the veracity of this, if you are still alive.

Suicide Warnings on Antidepressants Led to More Suicide Attempts

Hamilton Nolan · 06/19/14 01:21PM

A decade ago, everyone was worried about all our kids being on antidepressants. What about the side effects. So the FDA put big warnings on antidepressants about possible increased suicide risks for young people. How did that turn out?

Thanks For All The Measles, Anti-Vaxxers

Adam Weinstein · 06/03/14 01:30PM

Contractions of measles—potentially deadly, eminently preventable measles—are increasing logarithmically in the United States, and they are at a 20-year high.

Jay Hathaway · 05/02/14 02:43PM

The first U.S. case of Middle East respiratory syndrome—MERS—has been confirmed in Indiana. The virus has killed 102 of the 339 people who have contracted it in Saudi Arabia, where the bulk of cases have been reported.

Damn, Why Are Prescription Drugs So Expensive?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/01/14 10:00AM

You might think that the U.S. government's small step towards a national health care system would somehow help bring the cost of prescription drugs down to reasonable levels. You could not be more wrong! You idiot!

The Injury Crisis Among Veterans

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/14 08:43AM

After more than a decade of foreign wars, many of America's military veterans deal with combat injuries and PTSD. But an even larger problem is the mass of soldiers who've come home with devastating non-combat injuries.

Yale Student Says University Forced Her to Gain Weight

Jay Hathaway · 04/08/14 03:46PM

A 92-pound Yale history major says the university's health center told her she needed to gain weight or take a leave of absence from school. She's spent the past 6 months trying to put on pounds for her weekly weigh-ins.

What Healthy Food Is the Tastiest?

Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/14 01:35PM

Some food—cake, pie, pizza, nachos—tastes great. Some food—wheatgrass, chia seeds, kale—is healthy. But what one food tastes the best while still being healthy?

High Protein Diets Make You Look Good, Kill You

Hamilton Nolan · 03/11/14 10:35AM

Americans do not remember anything from chemistry or biology class, but they will damn sure buy anything that contains "protein," because I think it gives you muscles? Sadly, it appears that high protein diets may also cause you to die.