The Heartwarming Story of an Elderly Widower's Heartbreaking Song
Neetzan Zimmerman · 08/26/13 08:05AMWhen Fred Stobaugh's wife Lorraine passed away earlier this year, he felt he needed to say goodbye one last time.
When Fred Stobaugh's wife Lorraine passed away earlier this year, he felt he needed to say goodbye one last time.
It's being called "perhaps the single best segment" to ever air on The Colbert Report. And with good reason, because it probably is.
As if you needed additional proof that dogs are the best, one couple is crediting their pets with helping them find true love.
Casting aside his very understandable fears, an everyday hero goes above and beyond the call of duty to rescue a distressed coyote that went and got itself entangled in a barbed wire fence.
The last few weeks have been pretty gloomy around these parts, so here's a very necessary reminder that there are still some positive things taking place in the world.
Train officials at Japan Railway's Minami-Urawa station were joined this morning by some 40 commuters eager to help push a 70,000 pound train car off a trapped passenger.
Capt. Bronson had been away from home for nearly nine months, six of which were spent serving in Afghanistan, when he received word that he will be returning to his family three weeks early.
24 years ago, Rick Lookebill was forced to say an untimely goodbye to his beloved 1972 Ford Mustang Mach 1 — the very first car he ever bought.
Gertie Cleary compared the experience to a child with a splinter. "[W]hen you pull a splinter out, they holler and screech and pull their hand away," she told CTV News.
A Redditor who happened by the Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles snapped a photo of one patient's amusing SOS: "SEND PIZZA RM 4112."
A 5-year-old Pennsylvania girl who was abducted Thursday in Lancaster Township was rescued and returned safely to her mother thanks a pair of teens who located the kidnapper and chased him down on their bikes.
Little Grayson Clamp is three years old, but he just heard his dad's voice for the first time three weeks ago.
Barbara Garcia, a resident of Moore, Oklahoma, who survived yesterday's potentially historic tornado, was being interviewed by CBS News about riding out the storm in the bathroom of her former home.
23 years after being abducted on his way to kindergarten, one lost boy has finally made his way back home with the help of Google Maps.
Just in time for Mother's Day, here's a video to remind you that it doesn't matter what you get your mother, because you'll always be second fiddle to the guy who paid off his mom's mortgage.