Regis Philbin Has No Idea Who You Are, But Would Like to Yell At You
Richard Lawson · 02/18/08 11:16AM
Poor Regis Philbin. All old and befuddled and never having any idea what's going on. Save, of course, the occasional moment when some dim spark will fire in his brain and he'll remember a few tidbits that his producer fed him before an interview. Today Regis and Live! co-host Kelly Ripa chatted with The Hills' Lauren Conrad about being on a reality show. Regis exasperatedly demanded explanation for her break-up with ex-boyfriend Jason. Then, after Kelly mentioned Heidi Montag, Lauren's ex-best friend, Reeg plaintively, and without explanation, intoned that he misses old Heidi. Finally, out of nowhere he remembered that Montag was on an episode of Jimmy Kimmel in which she said that she prays for Lauren. Regis reminded Lauren of this, in bellowing fashion, without any sort of follow-up question. It must be so awkward to be a guest on this show. Kelly, I never thought I'd say this, but you're a saint. Video after the jump.