
Softball: Not All History Is Written By the Winners

Jesse · 08/18/05 12:00PM

So, yes, the legendary High Times Bonghitters beat The New Yorker on the softball field Tuesday night, and we carried a terse report yesterday, sent by a Bonghitter. But, as you well know, it's just not the same without New Yorker coach Dellinger's nicknamerrific wrapup — so it's a good thing that one of our favorite Conde pixies forwarded Coach's report to us this morning. It's been too long since we've heard from Dellinger — a few weeks, it seems like — and now we know why: After last week's game the Harper's publicist poisoned him, and he was too ill to report.

Today in Softball: 'VF' Smokes 'High Times,' &c.

Jesse · 08/12/05 11:59AM

• First, a terse report from 4 Times Square: "Tis true, Vanity Fair pulled it out and beat High Times 3 to 2 last night. First time in 5 years or so. However, there were no signs of pastels or Izods."

Softball: 'High Times' vs. 'Vanity Fair'

Jesse · 08/11/05 05:59PM

We're told the High Times bonghitters are taking on VF's squad tonight. First pitch is at 7 p.m. in Central Park's North Meadow, and we suspect this will be about the biggest clash-of-worldviews game around. We expect worn 501s, concert t-shirts, and old Chucks on one side, with summer whites, pastel polos, and saddle shoes — or maybe a nice, supple, driving moc — on the other.

Softball: Stoners vs. Neocons

Jesse · 07/25/05 01:00PM

We're told the High Times crew kicked some WSJ softball ass this weekend, with the Bonghitters beating the Journalistas 11 to 3.

Softball: The Stoners vs. The Man

Jesse · 07/22/05 05:07PM

A Dow Jones spy reports that The Wall Street Journal's softball team is taking on the lovable losers of High Times tomorrow morning in Central Park. North Meadow, Field 2, 11 a.m., for all you fans.

High Times Editor

Gawker · 02/17/03 09:36AM

From yesterday's NYT Job Market: "High Times seeks an editor w/5+ yrs consumer mag exp to help establish a fresh editorial direction. Knowl of the subject matter essential."
High Times [Nuggets]