
Another GOP Rep Says Benghazi Committee Was "Designed to Go After" Hillary Clinton

Jay Hathaway · 10/15/15 11:10AM

Before vanishing in a puff of smoke a week ago, Republic House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy asserted that the House’s select committee on Benghazi had been very successful ... in damaging Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers. The backlash against those comments may have led to McCarthy’s abrupt withdrawal from the Speaker of the House race, but this week, one of his Republic colleagues admitted what McCarthy said was basically true.

Anti-Hillary Benghazi Ad Blames Clinton for Attack in “Lybia"

Sam Biddle · 10/13/15 09:45PM

During tonight’s debate between Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and some custodial employees of the Wynn Las Vegas, StopHillaryPAC.org aired a generic Benghazi conspiracy theory clip blaming Clinton for the death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens. It contains three typos, including the name of the country in which he died.

Goofball Hillary Clinton Trolls Trump in that Classic Hillary Way

Melissa Cronin · 10/12/15 09:43PM

As part of her not-forced campaign to seem less forced and more likable, Hillary Clinton has been engaging in some lighthearted trolling of the Republican party lately. Her latest totally spontaneous jab came outside the casino of James Bond villain/Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Here Is the Only Known Photo of Hillary Clinton Meeting Monica Lewinsky

J.K. Trotter · 10/09/15 11:45AM

One of the more curious features of Bill Clinton’s years-long affair with Monica Lewinsky is the photographic trail the paramours left behind: posing in the Oval Office, hugging on the campaign trail, shooting the shit in the West Wing. In the years since, however, no such photos have emerged of Lewinsky and Hillary Clinton—which is more than a little strange, given the outsized role the former First Lady played in her husband’s administration.

Former Clinton Aide Lied About Use of Personal Email Account for State Department Business

J.K. Trotter · 10/05/15 11:50AM

Former Hillary Clinton advisor Philippe Reines has emphatically maintained that—unlike his longtime boss—he never used a personal email account to conduct official State Department business. In fact, when Gawker reported earlier this year that Reines was known to use his private email account to communicate with reporters in his role as Clinton’s deputy assistant secretary of state, he replied with a colorful, forceful, and highly specific denial in which he attacked several reporters for even raising the question.

There's No Evidence That Hillary Clinton Was "Targeted" by Russian Hackers, She Just Got Spam

Sam Biddle · 10/01/15 01:30PM

A new report from the Associated Press suggests Russian hackers deliberately attempted to infiltrate Hillary Clinton’s private email server, realizing the worst fears that critics of the server have held for months. But the story presents no evidence that any human being, Russian or otherwise, ever deliberately and knowingly attempted to hack into Clinton’s account. She just got spam, like all of us do.

Emails Show Hillary Clinton Fears the Power of Sarah Palin

Sam Biddle · 09/30/15 06:35PM

A newly released email from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State provides an interesting peek at the loudly, recently LGBT candidate’s private thought process of gender descriptors: they’re not worth the Fox News blowback.

Hillary Joked About Chinese Hackers Over Unsecured Private Email

Sam Biddle · 09/30/15 03:37PM

The biggest problem with Hillary Clinton’s off-the-books email server isn’t the affront to transparency, but the incalculable national security risk it presented. A newly released email from Clinton’s State Department days shows the prospect of Chinese infiltration was literally a joke to her.

Donald Trump Deems Hillary Clinton "The Original Birther"

Christina Lee · 09/23/15 10:30PM

Today Donald Trump tried to give credit where credit is due. While speaking in Charleston, South Carolina, he mocked the “shrill” Hillary Clinton for denying that she started the birther movement, doubting that President Barack Obama was born in the United States before he did.