
The Downfall of Marc Ecko

Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/09 10:19AM

In one way, Marc Ecko's a role model: He started with style and a dream and made it to the top of pop fashion. In a more accurate way, Marc Ecko is a walking "What Not to Do" guide.

Rap Music Kills Again

Hamilton Nolan · 09/21/09 09:23AM

Rap music: Will it ever stop inspiring America's youth to commit multiple homicides? Not likely, if the sad case of Richard "Syko Sam" McCroskey is any indication. Because he's charged with killing four people.

The Post-Bling Era?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/09 09:51AM

How poor are people, these days? So poor that rappers can't afford to wear half-million-dollar chains any more! That's the thesis of a story which is surely false (nobody could ever really afford to wear a half-million-dollar chain), but it raises the question: what is the post-bling thing?