The New York Times Plays by Blog Rules. When It Wants!
Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/09 10:01AMFox-Bashing CNN Reporter Applied for a Job at Fox
John Cook · 04/17/09 09:21AMOutrage: WSJ In Blog Duplicity Scandal
Ryan Tate · 04/09/09 04:59AMWhopper-Selling Adman Tells You How To Lose Weight
Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/08 03:48PMPamela Anderson Doesn't Need Your Tainted Money (Pockets Money)
Hamilton Nolan · 07/11/08 03:54PM
Not to shock all of you, but evidence has arisen that indicates that breast-toting sex symbol Pamela Anderson may not be the beacon of morality you all thought. She's a prominent vegetarian and opponent of KFC and all its chicken-slaying ways. So while she was down in Australia filming Big Brother, she took the opportunity to hand-deliver a letter of protest to a KFC outlet. The twist: Pam is getting paid half a million dollars to be on Big Brother-and the biggest sponsor of the show is KFC. I guess she can say she's milking them dry of all their dirty blood money? Yes, that'll work. Below, the text of her missive, explaining the difference between a chicken and a superstar:
Googler employee info hacked
Owen Thomas · 07/02/08 01:20PMWant your privacy protected? Better work for Google. Employees hired before December 31, 2005, recently learned that their personal data, including Social Security numbers and birthdates, had been compromised by a break-in at Colt, an HR outsourcing firm:
The Post Was Probably Drunk When It Wrote That
Hamilton Nolan · 05/15/08 09:59AM
Yesterday, the New York Post splashed with a big story about on-air cussing WNBC anchor Sue Simmons being a drunk who liked to down cocktails before doing her show. Today, the tabloid's follow-up mentions how she denies having a drink before showtime in the last 15 years, without even acknowledging that Simmons is talking about the Post itself when she says "I understand now why many people don't trust the media." Apart from the "Journalism" issue here (ha), the odd part is that the paper should have a little more respect for fellow professional drunks. After all, boozing is a Post trademark—and it starts right at the top, with the paper's heroically enthusiastic alcohol-abusing editor Col Allan!
Dove Denies New Yorker Hypocrisy Allegations
Hamilton Nolan · 05/09/08 09:22AM
Beauty product purveyor Dove has finally responded to allegations, first reported in a New Yorker story, that the company retouched photos of the "Real" women in its "Campaign for Real Beauty" ads. Which would make them big hypocrites. But according to a statement from Dove this morning (via its PR agency, Edelman), the New Yorker was wrong. The company even got a quotable refutation from controversy-courting celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz! Their full denial is after the jump.
Which Celebrity Is The Biggest Environmental Hypocrite?
Hamilton Nolan · 05/06/08 03:04PM
Celebrities: a bunch of hypocrites! They all pay lip service to environmental issues like global warming. But most of them are heavy private jet users. They also engage in a smorgasboard of other environmental sins, from investing in oil companies (Madonna) to wasting water by demanding 120 bath towels at each appearance (Barbra Streisand) to various other transgressions you can read about here. But it's primarily the globetrotting use of gas-guzzling private planes that make their frequent entreaties to save the earth seem empty. So we're polling you, our readers, who have some of the most finely tuned hypocrisy detectors in the world: Which of these six "green" stars is the biggest environmental hypocrite? Cast your vote after the jump.
Failed Gawker Editor Wrote The Times' "Crash Course in Online Gossip"
hwalker · 03/16/08 10:35AM
One unremarked aspect to that JuicyCampus article in the Times today is that it was written by Richard Morgan. Remember him? Morgan's the guy who quit Gawker after one day. Denton said he "spluttered out" after being unable to handle the site's fast pace, but Morgan claimed he quit because he wanted no part of all this nasty internet gossip. Morgan told New York mag that working at Gawker was "Hell" because "There is no vision beyond page views... Nick would tell me to post, like, something about Us Weekly getting Ashlee Simpson's engagement wrong. And then he wanted me to do another on Playgirl." With the much looser deadlines at the Times, it seems like Richard Morgan has no problem covering gossip blogs or discussing just who might be the sluttiest sorority girl at UC Irvine.
"You're going to get burned"
Nick Denton · 02/13/08 05:31PM
As you know, Julia Allison, the Time Out dating columnist, is providing free advice at the Dunkin' Donuts Toast Tent in Herald Square. (Hurry!) For a young student-reporter she dispensed the following wisdom: "What goes around comes around! If you know, you're going to write down, say stuff about people, you... and you choose to write about your relationship publicly. You're going to get burned. I think it's in general a horrible idea. Aside from changing our Facebook status from single to attached, that is just about as far as you should go." (Click the thumb for the scratchy audio. Yes, the student-reporter was a Gawker spy.) The compulsive fameball forgot to mention that she knows the perils of self-publishing from personal experience. By blogging every turn of her relationship with College Humor's Jakob Lodwick, including a mention of his bipolar condition, Allison complains she's scared off her last three suitors. And it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. CLIP »
Celebrity Gossip Condemns What She Created
Richard Lawson · 02/07/08 04:59PM
Bonnie Fuller, the salacious former editor of US Weekly and the woman responsible for the Star magazine revamp, is now trading in her pap card and getting all motherly toward the ailingest of ailing pop stars, Britney Spears. In a piece on the Huffington Post, Fuller is upset about Britney's treatment. She suggests that if Britney wasn't famous she never would have been released so soon. (Well, that's probably true.) A great injustice has been done to the bewigged pill popper, she argues, and someone must take action! "...message to Jamie and Lynne Spears: If you love your daughter, now get two 'neutral' conservators," she writes, "and since a hospital won't hold her, see if you can get a 100% Britney sympathetic psychiatrist/babysitter who can treat her." This is all pretty rich coming from the queen of the rags. Bonnie are you feeling pangs of guilt about this whole celebrity experiment? Or are you just looking for a new angle? After the jump, an interview with Fuller from last summer. [Huffington Post]
YouTube bullies a podcaster
Tim Faulkner · 09/28/07 11:21AM
YouTube, the online video Web site that rose to fame by making it easy to view the best videos created by others, is, according to this downloadable podcast, upset with Bestofyoutube.com, an aggregation site and podcast run by Lars Thorn. Why? For making it easy to view the best content on YouTube as a podcast. YouTube, which stubbornly claims they cannot properly filter out unauthorized videos, now says they also cannot verify if their users are okay with Bestofyoutube.com repurposing their clips. Of course not. And really, is that YouTube's responsibility? No.
Spam is evil unless Jason Calacanis sends it
Tim Faulkner · 08/27/07 02:15PM
Jason Calacanis, the blowhard blogger, has called spammers and SEOs "slime buckets," "snake oil salesman," and "low-class idiots." He has now joined them, however. Calacanis has been flooding inboxes with unsolicited spam advertising his company's Mahalo Follow software, a browser extension. And here we thought Mahalo was supposed to combat spam, not produce it. Reports are coming in across the Web that people who have never used Mahalo nor requested information about Mahalo are receiving spam from Calacanis. "Apparently 'Mahalo' is Hawaiian for 'douchebag,'" says one irate spam recipient. If you've received the message, do what a responsible Internet citizen like Jason Calacanis would do: report the abusive spam and delete it.
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann weighs in on Wikipedia
Owen Thomas · 08/17/07 10:20AM
Keith Olbermann, host of MSNBC's "Countdown," looks at the Wikipedia Scanner episode, in which a website made it vastly easier to trace edits made to the online encyclopedia back to the organizations that made them. He notes that two News Corp.-owned media properties — the Times of London and Fox News — reported on the scandal without noting their own, er, contributions to Wikipedia. Fair enough. But, then again, did Olbermann note any edits made by his colleagues at NBC?
Google's two-faced lobbying
Owen Thomas · 07/20/07 01:25PM
Let's get this straight: Last month, Google HR executive Laszlo Bock testified before a House subcommittee. His complaint? A lack of H-1B visas, the controversial permits which allow talented immigrants to come to the country to work, made it hard for Google to hire all the qualified people it wanted to. And yesterday? Google CEO Eric Schmidt said, in an earnings conference call, that the company had added too many people and would be cutting back on hires. Just two questions on Google's two-faced stance: Did Bock lie to Congress? Or did Schmidt lie to investors?
Tim Faulkner · 07/18/07 12:59PM
Thomas Hawk now thinks censorship is A-OK
Tim Faulkner · 07/17/07 01:54PM
The irascible photographer is okay with censorship if someone is policing his children for him. "I thought Apple was doing some basic screening and nothing too dangerous would get on there," he writes in a comment about a video featuring his son Jackson playing with an iPhone. That's a change in pace from his usual stance when he charges Flickr, the photo-sharing site with which his also-ran copycat Zooomr ostensibly competes, with censorship.
Former Miss USA Susie Castillo Casts The First Stone Right Through The Wall Of Her Glass House
Emily Gould · 02/02/07 11:20AM
In the tiny block of text that accompanies her cheesy cheesecake spread in the new ish of Complex, former Trumpslut Susie Castillo has some choice words for successor Tara Conner: "It's not the job of Miss USA to be in rehab. Other girls worked hard to give it a positive name, and it's going to be tarnished for a very long time now." Seriously, Castillo is a moral beacon: