Lesbians Kicked Out of Gertrude Stein Exhibit for Holding Hands
Maureen O'Connor · 07/19/11 03:18PM
In the pantheon of places one does not expect blatant homophobia, "Gertrude Stein exhibit at a museum in San Francisco" is pretty high on the list. And yet! A guard at San Francisco's Jewish Museum tried to kick out a pair of females for holding hands at such an event this weekend, San Francisco Chronicle columnist C. W. Nevius reports:
Red-Handed To Catch a Predator Host May Have Sexted, Too
Maureen O'Connor · 07/07/11 11:52AM'Ching Chong Ling Long Gourmet Takeout' Targets UCLA Racist
Maureen O'Connor · 06/20/11 05:33PMTea Party Sheriff's Deputies Arrested for Human Trafficking
Jeff Neumann · 05/25/11 05:38AM
The Boss Hogg of Arizona law enforcement, Maricopa County's very own Sheriff Joe Arpaio, has a problem in his house: A deputy and two officers from Arpaio's creepy jail were arrested on charges that they smuggled heroin and illegal immigrants into Arizona, and then on to California. In a great twist, one of them is eight months pregnant with a Sinaloa drug cartel member's child.
Coal Company Broadcasts Its Safety Violations on Reality Show, Gets Fined
John Cook · 04/08/11 05:09PM
Cobalt Coal Corp., a West Virginia mining company, has its own super-cool reality TV show on Spike TV about how dangerous its mines are, just like those Deadliest Catch guys. Unfortunately, the Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration was watching, and fined Cobalt for safety violations that it saw happening, on TV. Now if only they could do a reality show about Goldman Sachs. [AP, photo via Spike]
Craigslist Congressman Warned Teens About Dangers of the Internet
Adrian Chen · 02/09/11 09:15PM
Ex-congressman Chris Lee knows a thing or two about the dangers of the Internet. In June 2009, he penned this op-ed in the Tonawanda News explaining why he helped pass legislation that would "educate students on the dangers of the Internet." Guess the lesson plan didn't include a section on why it's a bad idea to send sexy half-naked pictures to random women on Craigslist using your real name and e-mail address.