
Jersey Shore: Freaks of Nature

Brian Moylan · 10/22/10 12:58PM

It is proven science that the eight guidos involved in Jersey Shore, the most important sociological experiment of our time, are biological mutations. As they leave Miami for good, let's see how the natural world has turned against them.

Jersey Shore: Guidos In Space

Brian Moylan · 10/15/10 12:36PM

The subjects of the most important sociological experiment of our time, Jersey Shore, finally breached the final frontier. When they got to Space, they got into a silly fight, set the world on fire, and were punished by their god.

Jersey Shore: Reevaluating The Situation

Brian Moylan · 10/08/10 12:33PM

Now that the creature known as Trash Bags has left Jersey Shore, the most important sociological experiment of our time, our tribe needs a new person to vilify. They choose The Situation, whose behavior reached an all-time low.

Jersey Shore: Trash Bags Last Stand

Brian Moylan · 10/01/10 01:17PM

Like when Godzilla finally topples and his flame breath is extinguished, so has the creature known as Trash Bags been defeated on Jersey Shore, the greatest sociological experiment of our time. She will not be missed.

Jersey Shore: Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Ohhhh Canada!

Zach Mack · 10/01/10 01:45AM

You'll never believe what happened on this week's Jersey Shore: People got drunk! People had promiscuous sex with exotic foreigners! Friends became enemies, and enemies stayed enemies! Is anyone keeping track anymore? Not Angelina, because she finally left!

Jersey Shore: The Ho Double Standard

Brian Moylan · 09/24/10 12:56PM

In the world of Jersey Shore, the most important sociological experiment of our time, the men are praised for sleeping around but the women are demonized for it. The creature known as Trash Bags feels this sting the worst.

Lindsay Lohan May Be Going Back to Jail

Adrian Chen · 09/18/10 09:55AM

Lindsay Lohan admits she failed a drug test; now she faces jail! Russell Brand placed under citizen's arrest for paparazzi beatdown. Did Elle whiten Gabourey Sidibe's face? Paris Hilton's plea deal. Saturday Gossip Roundup is not eating brunch.

Jersey Shore: Hooking up Is Hard to Do

Brian Moylan · 09/13/10 11:00AM

Sometimes the eight guidos we follow on Jersey Shore, the most important sociological experiment of our time, find people to mate with. Sometimes they fail spectacularly. It seems we can learn even more when they strike out.

Jersey Shore: Girl Versus Girl

Brian Moylan · 09/03/10 12:59PM

For the guidos of Jersey Shore, the most important sociological experiment of our time, the women stick with the women and the men stick with the men. That has changed as the ladies fight and claw with unrestrained viciousness.