Fake Writer Day: James Frey on the Edge?
Jessica · 06/22/06 11:30AMNo Fucking Shit: 'My Friend Leonard' Fabricated
Jessica · 05/12/06 10:40AM
It must be an incredibly slow day around the Associated Press: they're reporting that James Frey's second book, My Friend Leonard, is sprinkled with bullshit. Considering that the plot of Leonard picks up where Frey's first book, the heavily fabricated A Million Little Pieces, left off, this should surprise approximately no one.
James Frey Still Plummeting
Jessica · 05/11/06 10:01AM
Smoking Gun editor Bill Bastone was on the Colbert Report last night, explaining the wonders of document retrieval and the information superhighway. When asked what was the biggest story they had ever broken, Bastone obviously said James Frey, whose Oprah-endorsed bestselling memoir contained several fabrications. Colbert referred to it as "the Oprah book":
Fake Writer Day Comes to 'South Park'
Jessica · 04/17/06 01:35PMGossip Roundup: Couric and Schieffer's Privately Public Lunch
Jessica · 04/13/06 12:07PM
• CBS Evening News' current anchor Bob Schieffer takes his replacement, Katie Couric, to a very public lunch at Michael's. Nothing like a publicly staged lovefest to hide the violent animosity. [Lowdown]
• A New York call girl has penned a tell-all (of course), in which she tells of "crack-fuelled," kinky sex with West Wing creator Aaron Sorkin (of course). [Page Six]
• An anonymous friend worries that rapper Eminem may try to hurt himself. Better that than his estranged wife, we guess? [Media Takeout]
• Famed fabulist James Frey emerges from hiding just long enough to donate a batch of signed copies of A Million Little Pieces for an ASPCA auction to raise money for a Louisiana shelter. Aw, now those poor puppies will never survive. [Page Six]
• Actor Dennis Hopper admits that he voted for Bush, and yet he still prances about lower Manhattan, relatively unharmed. [R&M (2nd item)]
The Secret of a Page Six Scoop
Jessica · 03/22/06 10:10AMAn End to James Frey's Endless Summer
Jessica · 03/13/06 10:55AM
In a previous life, Fake Writer James Frey was just a "regular" writer, having penned the screenplay for Kissing a Fool and, later, a couple of massive bestselling memoirs built off a fantastical pile of bullshit. During those cloudless days before Oprah's storm, it seems that Frey also sold a one-hour crime drama script to Fox "about Malibu-based private eye Donald "Insane" Tremaine, 'former world champion surfer, PI, Chevelle driver and lover of ladies.'" A sample from the pilot:
Peter Carey on James Frey the Butterfly
Jessica · 03/10/06 10:09AMHonesty in Job Listings
Jesse · 03/03/06 02:43PMFake Writer Day, Cont'd: Judith Regan Leaves No Publicity Opportunity Unexploited
Jesse · 02/27/06 04:37PMGossip Roundup: K-Fed Listlessly Moves Towards Jessica Simpson
Jessica · 02/23/06 12:10PM
• Is Britney Spears' baby-daddy Kevin Federline putting the moves on Jessica Simpson? If so, good for him — a man has to move up the totem pole to survive. [Scoop]
• Lindsay Lohan and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. Yep, exactly what it says it is. Honestly, there's no end to this girl and who she'll take down with her. [Page Six]
• A federal court judge has ruled in favor of Kid Rock — and humanity — by blocking the sale of his sex tape with Scott Stapp. [R&M]
• Love in crisis: Rufus and Sally Albemarle reportedly split, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston still in question. And this concludes the only thing these two couples will ever have in common. [Lowdown]
• Riverhead axes its two-book deal with Fake Writer James Frey. Yeah, ya think? [Page Six]
Fake Writer Day Leaves Many a Scar
Jessica · 02/22/06 09:39AMOprah Continues to Search for the Truth
Jessica · 02/16/06 01:35PMIn a perfect world, Oprah would give Tom Cruise the James Frey treatment.
Bruce Willis Loves His FTBSITTTD Tattoo
Jessica · 02/14/06 08:50AM
We'd love to stop writing about Fake Writer James Frey, but we don't have a choice (miss your beat and face the brank, as they say around Gawker HQ). And when remarkably-hunky- despite-the-balding actor Bruce Willis speaks out on Frey, we owe it to every last one of you to share the wealth. Of A Million Little Pieces, Willis opines:
Remainders: The Essence of Fashion Week
Jessica · 02/08/06 06:00PM
• The most stunning assesment of Fashion Week no comes, of course, from the Observer. A sampling: "I want to be an important person, too!" [NYO]
• Understanding international relations through the characters of the O.C. Obviously, Marissa Cooper is Iraq. [YDN]
• So now that we've cleared the air about Fake Writer James Frey's fake books, lets talk about the real money: sup with his film deals? [LAT]
• Where do we draw the line on watching porn on the subway? OK on the iPod, but not on a 4-inch screen? [Too Saucy]
• You probably won't get salmonella poisoning at the Hotel on Rivington, but it's not a guarantee. [HotelChatter]
• You'll be happy to know that Tom Ford fought tooth and nail to show us Angelina Jolie's buttcrack in the latest Vanity Fair. [Tittle-Tattle]
Sean McDonald Speaks Out About James Frey, Kinda
Jessica · 02/06/06 09:35AM
The latest New York mag has a quick-n-dirty feature on Sean McDonald, the Riverhead editor who "championed" Fake Writer James Frey's A Million Little Pieces. McDonald has (wisely) stayed mostly silent during Oprah's post-Book Club ragefest, but he actually got on the phone (chaperoned by a publicist, of course) with New York's Dave Itzkoff. Curiously, Itzkoff even got some quotage from Frey himself, "just days" before the Smoking Gun published their report.
Gawker's Week in Review: Lindsay Lohan, Pulitzer Edition
Jessica · 02/04/06 11:28AM
• Thanks to her lost diary, we all get a glimpse into the frighteningly intellectual world of Lindsay Lohan.
• A Times sports reporter gets unacceptably frisky with a Rangers cheerleader; coincidentally, Times reporter Jason Diamos just happened to be covering the Rangers that night.
• Time Inc. brings the bloodshed, forthcoming layoffs can be considerably less painful thanks to union rules.
• Fake Writer James Frey adds a relatively un-fake author's note to existing and forthcoming editions of A Million Little Pieces.
• Let Fashion Week begin! Just don't feed the models, obviously.
• It was a week of sad farewells: Wendy Wasserstein, Coretta Scott King, and CNN film critic Paul Clinton.
• The New York Sun an innovative new circulation plan, whether you like it or not.
• Go ahead, call Nicky Hilton. She'll be happy to hear from you.
• Wonkette gets itself two new cocks and Gawker Media launches tech geek gossip rag Valleywag.
• Ryan Seacrest is no more or less Gay than last week.
• Anderson Cooper, however, is a little more Gay when he wears his gimp mask.
• Thought Alessandra Stanley's correction rate couldn't get any worse? Think again. And again. And again, if you can bear.
James Frey's Author's Note of Fury
Jessica · 02/02/06 05:00PMRemainders: Be Anderson Cooper's Manservant
Jessica · 02/01/06 06:01PM
• Ooooh, Anderson Cooper is hiring a Production Assistant. Can you handle it when those icy blue eyes demand a latte? Are you ready to make the appointments for his silver mane to be trimmed at Robert Kree? [BrassRing]
• We'll take our drugs however we can get them, but using an innocent puppy as a mule is absolutely unacceptable. So much so, in fact, that it makes us consider climbing on the wagon. [TSG]
• It's not rape if you're too sleepy to say no. [Overheard in NY]
• Blogger Stephanie Klein, who has a lucrative deal with Reagan Books to write about her "sexy" single life, is pregnant. And engaged. Which means Judith Reagan is going to claw her fucking eyes out for ruining the marketing angle. [Greek Tragedy] Our condolences, really.
• You know what would've made Fake Writer James Frey a little less fake? Jesus. [CBN]
• Why are celebrity children allowed to access the internet? We're looking at you, Bobbi Kristina Brown! [Gilded Moose]
• The Village Voice announces its Pazz and Jop awards. [VV]
• Today in sporty brother site Deadspin's Superbowl coverage, we learn that publicists are total assholes who cling to any semblance of exclusivity — even in Detroit. [Deadspin]