
Media Bubble: Tripped Up

abalk2 · 10/16/06 11:30AM

• That Cathy Horyn correction? It was a big "fuck you" to Styles editor Trip Gabriel. [WWD]
Time is an important magazine that must innovate if it wants to stay relevant. This burst of obviousness brought to you by, yes, Jon Friedman. [Marketwatch]
• Friends of Janice Min want you to know that putting Whitney Houston on the cover of Us Weekly was Jann Wenner's idea. Jann Wenner's bad idea. [Radar]
• Jack Shafer wants more and better rowbacks. [Slate]
• Fired Fox news baseball analyst Steve Lyons isn't racist against Hispanics; it's the Jews he can't stand. [USAToday]

Crazy 'Us Weekly' GuyTM Knows that Celebrity Weeklies Are the 'Life Matrix'

Jessica · 07/20/06 03:30PM

In today's edition of Crazy Us Weekly GuyTM — the delightful fellow who speaks to God, is soulmates with Jessica Alba, and just wants us to help him get in touch with Us EIC Janice Min so that he might fulfill his destiny of being #2 at the celebrity weekly — we move away from the creepier aspects of CUWGTM's obsession with Alba and more towards how Min and Us can make his dream a reality. After the jump, excerpts from Parts IV - VI, plus his thoughts on the future.

Crazy 'Us Weekly' GuyTM Buys Engagement Ring at Kay Jewelers

Jessica · 07/19/06 01:30PM

For the past few days, we've been letting you into the world of Crazy Us Weekly GuyTM, a man who communicates with God, is soulmates with Jessica Alba, and can make Us Weekly an even bigger success if we'd just put him in touch with Us EIC Janice Min. When he first emailed Gawker, we stupidly asked for more details, which prompted Crazy Us Weekly GuyTM to send us over 200 pages of intense explanation (plus a handy Excel spreadsheet), all of which we're sharing with you.

Crazy 'Us Weekly' GuyTM Explains His Master Plan

Jessica · 07/18/06 02:01PM

Last week, we shared with you an email we received from a gentleman who from here on out we shall refer to as Crazy Us Weekly GuyTM. The man claimed that he communicated with God, his soulmate was a Hollywood actress, and his goal was to be #2 at Us Weekly so that he might present EIC Janice Min with his new "paradigm" for the success of the magazine (additionally, if we put him in touch, he'd bring us along at put us up at the top of the Us masthead as well). Well, shit — we'd LURVE to be the person at Us who scribbles the cute handwritten captions on the Just Like US page ("They drink iced coffee!" "They buy groceries!"), so we decided to take Crazy Us Weekly GuyTM up on his offer to explain his grand plan.

After the Bomb, Only Roaches and 'Us Weekly' Will Survive

Jessica · 06/28/06 09:28AM

When you're packing together a double issue and taking the next week off, how do you leave your readers? At the Observer, it's with an incredibly long profile of Us Weekly editor Janice Min. The piece seems to appear apropos nothing new other than that, well, she's back from maternity leave and, dammit, Us Weekly is good. It's the summer — that's a good enough peg, right?

Media Bubble: At Least They're Not Corrupting the Integrity of Thursday Styles

Jesse · 06/21/06 02:50PM

Times to sell ads on front business page. Coming next: white after Labor Day. [NYT]
VF to boost biz coverage; AMI to miss accounting deadlines. [NYP]
Us Weekly has its best-selling issue ever, and Janice Min had nothing to do with it. [Jossip]
• New Times Building turning out to be a good investment. Huh. So it turns out Pinch knows how to make those, every now and then. [NYP]
• The Committee to Protect Journalists picks a new executive director, and it turns out he's one of our machetunim, sort of. (I.e., new CPJer is real-life bro-in-law of our glittery little brother, Defamer.) [CPJ]

Laurel's World: On TV With Janice Min

Jesse · 02/28/06 05:15PM

Actually, it's less horrible than we were led to believe it would be. It's awkward, sure, and uncomfortable, and weirdly fawning and banal, but we'd have expected all that. We don't quite see what made it, as we're told it was, both the start and the end of Laurel's Channel 25 career. Public access is fickle mistresss.

Media Bubble: With Brownridge Going, Wenner Seeks Someone New to Bully

Jesse · 12/23/05 11:00AM

• Megalomaniacal Jann Wenner is now picking on Us editor Janice Min, which doesn't seem like a smart thing to do. [WWD]
• Now The Washington Post has a staff blogger, too. [Washingtonian]
• Jon Friedman visits an EW focus group and finds that subscribers really, really love the magazine. Freakishly so, to be honest. [MW]
Daily News readers overwhelming think Bob Schieffer should stay on permanently as the CBS Evening News anchor, according to Richard Huff's "highly unscientific" poll. [NYDN]
• If you look really closely, you can find Warren Buffett's hand in Time's Person of the Year issue. No, it's not holding cash. [NYP]

Gossip Roundup: Lindsay Lohan Too Cool for School

Jessica · 11/07/05 10:53AM

• Lindsay Lohan hasn't really given much thought to attending college. Surprising, we know, but think about it: She's already got four years of heavy binge drinking under her belt. What could higher education possibly have to offer? [Gatecrasher (2nd item)]
• If you're going to write a graphic roman clef about your affair with former Times editor Howell Raines, have you any choice but to call it Touched by Ink-Stained Hands? Clearly not. [Page Six]
• Celebs like Paris Hilton don't take Kabbalah seriously enough, prompting Madonna to choke them with her red string. [Scoop]
• Congrats to Us Weekly EIC Janice Min, who's expecting her second child. So many choices for her new baby's name: Tomkat, Federletus, Vaughniston, Brangelina... [Page Six]
• Lloyd Grove gets snippy with WWD's Jeff Bercovici. They'll be meeting under the old willow tree at 4 P.M. to settle things once and for all. [Lowdown (last item)]

Wenner Spares You Celebrity Magazine Pain

Jessica · 11/02/05 12:30PM

Keith Kelly reports today that the always-popular Wenner Media has abandoned plans to launch a second celebrity magazine, presumably because Us Weekly didn't have the energy to baby-sit a little sister. Overseeing the magazine was part of Us EIC Janice Min's new $1.2 million contract — will Jann have to pry the related compensation from Min's cold, dead hands? Or will he be too busy play-editing Men's Journal to take care of financial housekeeping?

Janice: The Early Years

Jesse · 10/31/05 10:30AM

Us Weekly editor Janice Min, a Colorado native, was profiled in yesterday's Denver Post. We'll spare you all the boring, usual stuff that Coloradans apparently don't know but you New Yorkers, naturally, do — Janice is tiny, she wears Prada, she's often barefoot around the office, her staff loves her, media people have lunch at Michael's — and instead put the spotlight on her kvelling mother: