
Media Bubble: Charlie Gibson for 'WNT' Anchor

Jesse · 03/15/06 01:01PM

• Today's speculation on the next World News Tonight anchor: Charlie Gibson. Because Diane wants him to. [NYO]
• That Times Mag Mark-Warner-Looks-Nothing-Like-His-Photo correction? It's all thanks to the Observer. [NYO]
• Howell Raines' latest memoir TK on May 9. In case 20,000 words in The Atlantic wasn't enough for you. [E&P]
• Kent Brownridge is gone from Wenner Media. Again. For real. We think. [NYP]
• And Jann startes hunting for a new Kent. Mary Berner, maybe? [WWD]
• The Times thinks Hillary's running for president, too: She'll now be covered through the Washburo instead of the Metro desk. [NYO]

You Can Still Name Jann's Kid

Jesse · 03/15/06 09:54AM

Don't forget that the polls are still open to pick a name for Jann and Matt's bouncing bundle of joy, expected this August. (Even better, our tech guys promise the polls server will be working all day today.) So if you haven't yet voted on your favorite names for the kid — one boy's name, one girl's name — go do it now. It seems clear a boy will be Ennis Wenner-Nye, but it's still tight in the girl's race: Will it be Hunter Wenner or Jan Wenner? Cast your ballot now, and let your voice be heard.

Papa Was a Rolling Stone: Jann and Matt Will Definitely Be Daddies

Jesse · 03/14/06 04:30PM

Finally, confirmation. Someone within Wenner Media backs up Liz Smith's claim: Jann and Matt are indeed expecting, and the due date is in August. It's not an adoption, we're told, but rather a surrogacy. In which case we've got to presume — not that we have any direction knowledge, thank God — that Matt gets to be the father, as Jann already has a few kids of his own. And the mother? We got no idea. "Probably some very well-compensated, genetically-blessed woman," theorizes our source.

Name Jann's Kid: Choose or Lose!

Jesse · 03/14/06 11:30AM

Liz Smith says Jann Wenner and his boytoy, Matt Nye, are expecting a baby this summer. (Has anyone other than Liz Smith said this? Which is to say: Do we have any reason to think this is actually, you know, true?)

Name Jann's Kid

Jesse · 03/13/06 11:43AM

Jann Wenner has an eye for what America wants. (See: Rolling Stone, Us Weekly, Hunter Thompson, Annie Leibovitz.) But these days it takes more than just hunches to run a successful magazine company. There are focus groups, there's cover testing, there are MRI studies — there are all sorts of ways to quantitatively measure what's going to work. And what's a more important decision than naming your kid?

Neat Freak Jann Wenner's Immaculate Conception

Jesse · 03/13/06 09:33AM

Jann Wenner and Matt Nye are having a baby. Or at least so reports Liz Smith, who says the baby will arrive this summer and then says nothing more. What might she have said?

Media Bubble: Finally, a New 'Atlantic' Editor

Jesse · 03/02/06 12:33PM

NYT's James Bennet is The Atlantic's new editor. We have nothing witty to say about this. [NYT]
• ABC anchor Bob Woodruff is making "good" progress in his recovery. No jokes here, either. [Newsday]
• Want to read early handicapping of the Pulitzer Prizes? Nor us. But someone must, right? [E&P]
• Jann Wenner shares a "hunk of meat" with Playboy CEO Christie Hefner and Time Inc. chair Ann Moore. We had no idea Matt Nye was so broadminded. [Mediaweek]
• Diversity Council's report terms Times "a newspaper at risk" on diversity issues. Hey, why should things be different on that issue than everywhere else? [Media Mob/NYO]
• Tuesday night, journalists talked about themselves. Obligatory mah-nishtanah joke here. [WWD (second item)]

More Fun With Caruso's 'Men's Journal' Contract: Expenses for the Masses

Jesse · 02/27/06 01:20PM

Last week we posted an inventory of Michael Caruso's guaranteed perks and bonuses when he was editor-in-chief of Men's Journal — guaranteed biz-class air travel, $10,000 for sticking to his budget, $10,000 for winning a National Magazine Award, and so on. For the rank-and-file, though, life is less pleasant. An MJ freelancer sends along the magazine's expense guidelines for normal folks, from which we learn that air and car-rental upgrades will never be reimbursed, yellow cabs and not car services must be used in New York, magazine and newspaper purchases can't be expensed, and — this is really our favorite part — restaurant tips will only be reimbursed up to 15 percent.

More Fun With Caruso's 'Men's Journal' Contract: Who Was the Traitor Within the Magazine?

Jesse · 02/27/06 11:16AM

Last week we took a look at axed Men's Journal editor Michael Caruso's wrongful-termination lawsuit against Wenner Media and were distracted by his generous compensation plan. Now that we've processed that though, we can examine his actual case. Caruso charges the Wenner meddled in the management of his magazine — Jann Wenner? Meddling? No way! — and then fired him for no reason. So, what was the nature of Wenner's interference?

Michael Caruso Sues Wenner Media, Just for Kicks

Jessica · 02/23/06 10:03AM

Remember when former Men's Journal editor Michael Caruso "decided not to renew" his contract? Maybe there was a little more to that story, according to state court filings:

Gossip Roundup: Jann Wenner Continues to Ride the Crazy Train

Jessica · 02/22/06 10:35AM

• Publisher Jann Wenner ties pregnant Us Weekly editor Janice Min to her chair; she'll be staying there through the duration of her labor. No demerol when there are deadlines to be met! [Page Six]
O.C. starlet deems Paris Hilton a "silly bitch." Finally one of these young Hollywood types gets something right. [Scoop]
• Hugh Grant fights off the paparazzi, one blurry cameraphone pic at a time. [R&M]
• The illustrator for Madonna's children's book The English Roses, Jeffrey Fulvimari, is attacked in Chelsea. There's a Kabbalah joke in here somewhere, but we haven't the will to find it. [Lowdown]
• Kid Rock defends his honor by suing the company trying to distribute his sex tape. Considering Scott Stapp is the co-star, we're thinking the suit is for defamation of character. [Detroit Wonk]
• Lucyna Turyk-Wawrynowicz, the Polish housekeeper who stole from Robert De Niro and Candice Bergen, gets sentenced to three years in jail. Upon her release, she will only be allowed to work for D-List celebrities. [IMDb]

Media Bubble: Nielsen Goes to College

Jesse · 02/20/06 11:33AM

• Nielsen Media Research finally starts including college students in ratings, which should be good news for young-skewing networks like MTV and Fox. Should also be good news for that sweet "Girls Gone Wild" informercial that's always on and fuckin' kicks ass, dude, and is just — wait, is that the pizza? [NYT]
• This week, Simon Dumenco hates Google. (And again we say: Told you so.) [Ad Age]
• Jason Binn shuffles editors at Gotham and Hamptons. Which makes sense — one can only give blowjobs for so long before the jaw starts to ache. [NYP]
• We cut out a bit early on one Friday, and of course that's the day Jann Wenner fires his RS publisher over the location of the mag's 1,000th-issue party. Only at Wenner Media, kids, only at Wenner Media. [Mediaweek]
• Group of journalism bigwigs signs petition asking annual newspaper conference to look into the industry's willingness to help save refugees during the Holocaust. Because when an industry's future is so secure, it can afford to spend time worrying about things that happened 60 years ago. [NYT]

Rolling Stone: The Hotel!

Jessica · 02/01/06 10:39AM

Oh, Jann Wenner. Jann, Jann, Jann — aren't you busy enough juggling your wife, boyfriend, publishing company, desk checks, private plane and forthcoming MTV show? Do you really need to plant your seed in Vegas? Shouldn't you be focusing on micromanaging your editors?

Gawker Explainer: Names in the News

Jesse · 01/25/06 12:28PM

Because apparently none of you people can read without also moving your lips, we hear your pleas and provide this assistance:

Media Bubble: Best of Times, Worst of Times for Mags

Jesse · 01/11/06 03:54PM

• Hurrah: Mag ad revenues were nicely up in 2005. [Folio:]
• Boo: Mag ad pages barely rose in 2005. [Ad Age]
• Kurt Andersen is the godfather of snark, says Jon Friedman. And we fear for the day — and that day may never come — when Kurt calls upon us to do a service for him. [MW]
• Robin Williams made an ass of himself at Jann Wenner's big birthday bash. [WWD]
• TW COO Jeff Bewkes agrees with his boss, that the company shouldn't be split up, rather than with Carl Icahn, who thinks otherwise and is harassing his boss. Shocking news, that. [MW]

Media Bubble: James Risen Is a Mensch

Jesse · 01/06/06 01:33PM

Timesman James Risen, who broke the domestic-spying story, is humble, modest, and likes to eat at Subway. Also, he ain't looking to move to the L.A. Times. [MW]
• How will Jann Wenner celebrate his 60th birthday? By having 142 of his best pals for dinner at Le Bernardin, where they'll be entertained by Bruce Springsteen. They best part, though: The party is being hosted by his wife, Jane Wenner, and his boyfriend, Matt Nye. [WWD]
• Prof thinks pundits' accuracy should be tracked. Perhaps in a handy-dandy "Pundit Scorecard." Why hasn't anyone thought of that before? [WSJ]
• There's a new literary superagency on the block: Folio. We sort of hope superagents dress in capes and codpieces, because that would be fun. [GalleyCat]

Media Bubble: With Brownridge Going, Wenner Seeks Someone New to Bully

Jesse · 12/23/05 11:00AM

• Megalomaniacal Jann Wenner is now picking on Us editor Janice Min, which doesn't seem like a smart thing to do. [WWD]
• Now The Washington Post has a staff blogger, too. [Washingtonian]
• Jon Friedman visits an EW focus group and finds that subscribers really, really love the magazine. Freakishly so, to be honest. [MW]
Daily News readers overwhelming think Bob Schieffer should stay on permanently as the CBS Evening News anchor, according to Richard Huff's "highly unscientific" poll. [NYDN]
• If you look really closely, you can find Warren Buffett's hand in Time's Person of the Year issue. No, it's not holding cash. [NYP]

This Is the True Story of Seven Journalists Picked to Clean Their Desks

Jessica · 12/19/05 10:35AM

As reported last week, obsessive-compulsive Wenner Media honcho and Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner has signed a deal with MTV to film a new reality show. (Why should Atoosa Rubenstein have all the fun?) The series will follow a group of journalism students as they move to New York for internships with Rolling Stone (it's still a relevant publication, you know), where they will then compete to become a contract writer with the magazine. Think as if Miss Seventeen banged Almost Famous and gave birth to Gideon Yago.

Media Bubble: Jann Wenner to Face Reality

Jesse · 12/16/05 01:46PM

• Jann Wenner finally gets his reality TV show, and Mort Zuckerman won't let the de-Radaring interfere with his ski vacation. [WWD]
• NBC's tanking. Fire Jeff Zucker? No, promote him! [NYT]
• The good, bad, and ugly of medialand in 2005. [MW]
• After 148 years in Boston, The Atlantic boards the Metroliner and sets off for Washington. [Boston Phoenix]