
Media Shocked to Learn "Christian" Metalcore Band Frontman Is Atheist

Adam Weinstein · 06/19/14 01:58PM

As I Lay Dying is super hardcore Christian. Sure, they never came out and said "Jesus" or "God" in their songs, but they talked a lot about being Christian rockers and got themselves a following. Who knew that it was all a ploy by godless capitalist screamo dudes just to sell records?

Statue of Jesus as a Vagrant Leaves Today Show Hosts Speaking Tongues

Adam Weinstein · 04/14/14 08:44AM

For months, residents of Davidson, N.C., have debated the merits of a bronze statue of Jesus Christ as a homeless man on a local park bench. But when news of the hobo lord hit national TV this morning, NBC's hosts had a decidedly less coherent religious experience.

Alabama Legislators Approve Bill Requiring School Prayer Every Morning

Adam Weinstein · 02/24/14 12:31PM

A key committee in Alabama's House of Representatives has pushed through a bill requiring teachers and students at all of the state's public schools to spend 15 minutes every morning in Christian prayer, even though a majority of legislators present say they opposed the measure.

Sarah Palin Is Talkin' God Stuff, Huzzah

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/13 04:30PM

Alaskan Chik-fil-A customer and former major party vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin tells the liberal media today that she's a proud attendee of "a Bible-believin' church, up there in Wah-silla." She's saying some god stuff on the teevee!

Jesus Runs

Lacey Donohue · 11/03/13 07:11PM

[With bib number 55-970 affixed to His cross, New-York based photographer Makoto Takeuchi ran Sunday’s ING NYC Marathon sans shoes on the dirty city streets. Photo by brigettebgood via Instagram]

Five More Myths About Jesus

Hamilton Nolan · 09/27/13 12:44PM

In the Washington Post today, Reza Aslan debunks five myths about Jesus—he wasn't born in Bethlehem, he was not an only child, etc. But what is this mythbuster not telling you? Scholars say there are at least five more myths about Jesus.

A Mysterious, Inscrutable Voice of God: Why @Horse_ebooks Is Divine

Ken Layne · 09/24/13 03:52PM

We are a religious nation, even though that religious belief is rapidly fading and notoriously shallow. What we hunger for is real communion with the sacred, the unexpected voice of a mysterious god that occasionally speaks directly to our consciousness, as the old gods spoke to Moses and Mohammad or Achilles and Odysseus. This is why 200,000 people followed Horse_ebooks on Twitter. Horse_ebooks was our inscrutable god speaking in riddles.