
Journalism Grad Employment Rate Lowest Since 1986

Hamilton Nolan · 08/04/10 04:11PM

A new survey of kids who got bachelor's degrees in journalism last year reveals that their average salary has stayed the same for the past three years: $0. Ha, no, it's $30k. For the 56% able to find jobs. [UGA]

Conde Nast Unveils New Job Application Process

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/10 09:37AM

Spotted outside Conde Nast headquarters this morning: a young man whose sign included his resumé and the slogan, "The first rule of improv is say yes." Nice suit, nice cardboard hobo penmanship. Sign him up, Si! [Click to enlarge]

All of Your Coworkers Are Going to Quit When the Recession Is Over

Richard Lawson · 07/26/10 02:22PM

According to a new Deloitte "Ethics & Workplace Survey", 1/3 of working Americans say they're totally going to look for a new job once this recession is over. Because they don't trust their current employers anymore. More work for you!

Law Degrees Grow More Worthless Every Day

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/10 10:17AM

Did you do the stupid thing that a lot of people have done recently and go to law school, just because you're aimless and you figured it would be a productive use of time "in the long run?" Sucker.

All U.S. Money Now Invested in Wacky Schemes

Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/10 09:45AM

Utah investors gave money manager Travis Wright $145 million. He invested that money in outside-of-the box ideas, such as canned sandwiches. Now he's facing a lawsuit. In Travis Wright's defense: he was just doing what it takes, these days.