
SVUG #15: How do I cash in on the 2007 bubble?

Paul Boutin · 12/28/06 03:45PM

PAUL BOUTIN — Once your hangover wears off, January 2 is the day to start your search for the Web 2.0 bubble job that'll finally, finally make you rich. First, you'll need to reconfigure your approach. A checklist for selling out after the jump.

Valleywag Now (Still!) Hiring

Chris Mohney · 12/07/06 03:25PM

You may recall that there's a new, ostensibly temporary fellow running our tech biz-gossip site Valleywag. We tried to help him out with a little paternal advice, but he'd prefer to bring in some fresh, tasty blood. Therefore, if you'd like to join the greatest blogging show on Earth, consider the following. Valleywag is looking for a business-savvy writer with Silicon Valley roots and/or dreams, and the deal includes a competitive salary and high visibility. To try and cut the mustard, send an email (no resumes or attachments) containing a paragraph or two about yourself, plus links to blogs or articles you've written, to

Gawker Photo Intern Wanted

Chris Mohney · 10/27/06 03:10PM

The hive of Gawker interns has grown large enough that they may specialize in certain tasks, assuming they evolve the properly chitinous thorax. We're seeking a new intern to assist with photography, specifically original photography. This person will rarely take pictures, if ever; instead, they will assist Gawker photogs with the hairy process of sorting, uploading, identifying, captioning, and other charming tedium. In addition, this person will help oversee the schedule for events worthy of Gawker coverage. Regular contact with objectionable publicist types is all but guaranteed. Attending events to assist photogs with subject wrangling and alcohol disposal encouraged. Non-negotiable requirements: Must live in New York City. Must be adept with Flickr, competent with basic Photoshop, have at least one eye for photos, and be generally image-savvy. Must have reliable free time during mornings after events in order to help process photos. There is some small pay involved. If interested, write in with a very brief paragraph justifying your suitability to

Gridskipper: Help Wanted, or Demanded

Chris Mohney · 10/23/06 05:10PM

Are you worth a damn? Really? Well then, how about half a damn? We grade on the curve here at Gawker Media, and filial urban travel site Gridskipper is no exception. Half a damn is comfortably passing in our book, and it's also the approximate world exchange value of an assistant editor. That's what Gridskipper desires, so if you know how to write, how to blog, how to live in the city, and how to hide in natural camouflage when G-skip editor Joshua Stein goes into one of his homicidal rage benders, this is the opportunity of your soon-to-be-attenuated lifetime. Full description here, or pitch yourself directly to And for God's sake no resumes, even if rendered in the style of Vayner.

Write Katie Couric's Blog for Ten Dollars an Hour

abalk2 · 10/17/06 08:10AM

Actually, we have no idea about the identity of the cheap bastard who posted the following offer of employment to craigslist, but we'd love to hear your guesses in the comments. Full listing below, but, Jesus, ten bucks an hour? Babysitters make more than that. Whoever you are, shame, shame, shame, shame on you.

Observer to Get All Up in That Internets

Chris Mohney · 08/21/06 05:55PM

Reportedly, one of youthful new owner Jared Kushner's first complaints to his staff at the New York Observer was that he "couldn't find the Observer-themed ringtones on the website." Kidding! We can't find them either. But that's all about to change, as the Observer is looking to hire a new "Vice President and General Manager, Online." The new VP's job will be to make the Observer website "include innovative information products and to serve new audiences." More blogs! More commenters! Bring on the Tom Scocca Interactive Chatbot. Additional duties include being prepared to serve as Kush's happy-hour wingman when George Gurley is unavailable, or helping Kush locate a discreet Craigslist companion for the night when that doesn't work out.

Gawker Interns: Kill One, and Two More Take Its Place

Chris Mohney · 08/16/06 04:40PM

With heavy heart, we must announce the loss of our beloved intern Amanda Dobbins to those poaching fiends at Huffington Post. Amanda did yeoman (yeowoman?) work assembling the To-Do list that daily graced these pages, freeing us up for mojitos and The View. We'll miss her professionalism, humor, and downright spooky reliability, but we understand that transcribing Arianna's thoughts on vacation in the Caribbean requires more time than she would be able to dedicate to our pedestrian pursuits.

Job wagging: Fetch Andy Baron's coffee

Nick Douglas · 08/10/06 11:04AM

There's a big world of work out in the Valley. We skimmed the cream off the top — and then threw it out so we could feed you these job listings.

Actually, It Seems Mimi Valdes Won't Be Working at 'Vibe' Much Longer

Jesse · 06/30/06 03:00PM

Earlier today we skeptically noted what seemed to be an unfounded rumor, that Vibe editor-in-chief Mimi Valdes, along with much of her staff, was being canned from the urban music mag. We asked if anyone could provide any word on what was going on over there, and, obediently, Mediaweek's Stephanie Smith quickly complied. What's going on? The mag is being sold, and Valdes and president Kenard Gibbs are expected to go. "Additionally," Smith reports, "layoffs, primarily on the editorial side, are expected." So who's buying?

Mimi Valdes Continues to Work at 'Vibe,' to the Best of Our Knowledge

Jesse · 06/30/06 11:26AM

OK, we should say from the git-go that Vibe's PR rep told us in no uncertain terms that this rumor isn't true. And we're even inclined to believe her, as she sounded entirely surprised by the suggestion rather than coy and Clintonian when issuing her denial. But, still, there've been rumors floating yesterday and today that Vibe editor-in-chief Mimi Valdes has been laid off along with much of her staff. Further rumors say the folks have till Wednesday to clean out their desks, and a final rumor suggests that novelist and former Vibe EIC Danyel Smith will be returning to replace Valdes. As we say, we have no reason to think any of this is true. But the rumors have been persisting, and, because we always love tumult and controversy, we'd be thrilled if they turned out to be accurate. Anyone have corroboration?

Children of the Ruling Class: 'Vanity Fair' Will Always Out-Nepotism Its Competition

Jesse · 06/27/06 05:51PM

Amid the excitement over Jade Frampton at Elle and Meghan McCain at Newsweek, we would be remiss to not note the latest crop of notables at Vanity Fair, already the stomping grounds of Cate Edwards, some Katzenberg, and who knows how many others. Arianna Huffington, at last week's Slate panel on the future of print, mentioned that her daughter is interning at VF this summer; we've confirmed she's talking about 16-year-old Christina, who was also photographed in the magazine back in December. Plus, we're pleased to introduce a new assistant: Young Liz Hanks.

Sara James to Leave 'WWD' for 'Men's Vogue'

Jesse · 06/27/06 09:30AM

And so finally, from Page Six, we learn where WWD mediagal Sara James is headed if not to Radar. She'll be joining Men's Vogue as its fashion news editor. Because how could you possibly pass up the chance to spend your days with Hud Morgan?

'OK!' Hiring, Actually Pays OK Salary

Jessica · 06/27/06 09:14AM

Believe it or not, but the American edition of OK! is still alive and, on some newsstands, not too ashamed to show its glossy little face. The plucky little upstart is even hiring a news director, albeit with the help of those headhunters at Craigslist. Don't stick your nose up in the air — each and every one of you is dying for a delightfully mindless new job:

Media Bubble: People Like News, Especially When It's Pretty

Jesse · 06/26/06 03:18PM

• The news is still big; it's the newspapers that got small. [Slate]
• David Carr asks: Is CNN news or entertainment? What, it can't be both? [NYT]
• Pissing off Dick Cheney was not, in fact, the Times' reason for running its financial-records-spying story, says Bill Keller. [NYT]
• As we already told you, WWD media man Jeff Bercovici is going to Radar. WWD media woman Sara James, however, is not. She's leaving Women's Wear — we're sure of that — but it's just unclear where she's going. [Jossip]
• Roger Ailes thinks with Fox Newsies aren't working hard enough. [B&C]
• Wednesday will be Charlie Gibson's last day at GMA, and his feeling will be hurt if he doesn't get as many video tributes as Katie did. [USAT]
• Spiers steals David Lat from slutty sister Wonkette for her nascent juggernaut. Next time, she'll just twist Denton's nipple directly, without the intermediary. [WWD (second item)]
• Bigshot VCs give people like Rafat Ali — proprietor of the distressingly capitalized and, years ago, an intern where we used to work — money. [WSJ]

'Voice' Hires Another, But Still Not an EIC

Jesse · 06/26/06 11:00AM

Doesn't it seem so, well, anachronistic for a newspaper to actually be in a hiring phase? Indeed it does — and, yet, at the Village Voice, the beat goes on: