
'Kate Hudson Was Born a Boy,' and Other Awkward Revelations

Maureen O'Connor · 10/20/10 09:47AM

Goldie Hawn tells an awkward story about her daughter's birth. Beyonce might be pregnant. Jean-Claude Van Damme has a heart attack. J.Lo's babies are Gucci models. Wednesday gossip is a photo album of embarrassing baby pictures.

Kanye West Cock Shots for Sale, and Other Things to Fear

Maureen O'Connor · 10/14/10 09:33AM

Multiple penis pictures hit the market—will we see West's wang? Katy Perry plans a monochromatic wedding. David Arquette wishes he didn't talk shit about his estranged wife's sex life. Thursday gossip has 20/20 hindsight and bionic penis-vision.

John Mayer Has Quit Twitter

Maureen O'Connor · 09/13/10 04:21PM

John Mayer has quit Twitter. Repeat: @JohnCMayer has qwittered. This startling development comes three days after Mayer tweeted a photo entitled "Self Portrait of The Artist Three Days Before His Metaphoric Retirement." Here are his last tweets, preserved for posterity.

Every Gross Detail About Speidi's Sex Tape and the Hell It Hath Wrought

Maureen O'Connor · 08/23/10 08:39AM

Welcome to Monday's gossip roundup, in which we gather every horrifying new detail about Speidi's sex tape (blackmail! ultimatums!) and how it inspires Snooki's ex. Meanwhile, Brad Pitt wants to murder BP executives and LiLo's lawyer heads back to court.

John McCain: One of the Senate's Seven 'Twitter Geniuses'

Adrian Chen · 08/19/10 09:51PM

Quick: What's the best way for a politician to broadcast short, nearly-incomprehensible missives to the world? No, it's not by hacking into Wolf Blitzer's teleprompter before The Situation Room. Twitter! Here are the seven scientifically-determined "Twitter geniuses" of the Senate.

Heidi Fires Spencer: 'We Are No Longer Speidi'

Maureen O'Connor · 03/12/10 08:17AM

An "intuitive psychic" healer named Aiden is her new manager. James Brown's body goes missing from its crypt. Socialite shocked to discover racism, anti-semitism, homophobia make you unpopular. Corey Haim died of a too-big heart. Friday gossip is so alone.

Jessica Simpson: It's Time to Say Goodbye

Brian Moylan · 03/09/10 05:05PM

With her latest stab at relevancy—a new single and a VH1 show—Jessica Simpson is yet again being shoved down our collective gullet. It's time for this uninteresting, talentless person to take a hike. Forever!